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What is your name?
My real name is Jeffrey but I go by “Mcclendon”

What is your genre of music?
It’s hard to put a finger on it from the inside. I’m not personally aiming at any type of genre when I’m writing or producing. I would probably say Indie as that seems the most open, in my mind. However, my sound is commonly described by others as alternative folk

Give us a little bio about you.
Here’s my general bio: Mcclendon plunges into the indie scene with a fresh perspective while making new use of traditional techniques. With a sound reminiscent of Bon Iver and Ben Howard, he transforms the way music complements words and messages. He started playing music at the age of 9 alongside his three older brothers. After performing around the country for over a decade, Mcclendon decided to branch out for his own sound. “I knew early on that there was no going back for me, regardless if anyone cares about what I make,” Mcclendon said. “It’s something I need to do.” Writing and producing his own music has always been top priority for this independent artist. He’s drawn to write honest thoughts about concepts he personally connects with. Self-producing simply came as a need for survival as a creator. Finding solutions out of desperation has been a recurring theme in Mcclendon’s musical discovery. This scrappy nature allows him to take risks that would otherwise be overlooked. Every artist draws from life experiences to create meaningful music, but Mcclendon hones in on observing and questioning himself and the surrounding world. This young creative pulls inspiration from conversations with himself. “I just want to create what feels honest. Something that isn’t afraid of the moment,” Mcclendon said.

What made you go into music?
I started performing in a band with my 3 older brothers when I was around 8 years old. I’m the youngest of four and fell into it from curiosity watching my oldest brother from afar. I quickly found how incredible it felt to play an instrument or write a song. The effect it had on me left me always wanting more.

Are you signed?
I’m currently not signed to any major label. I’m honestly just focused on creating what I can, within my power. I think there’s so many avenues outside of the major deal now. Gathering in folks who believe in the project and who are just as hungry as I am is what I love. It’s all happened so naturally so far and I’m happy with that.

You are set to release your new EP ‘Room 33’, tell us more about the EP.
Room 33 is a set of 6 songs written in a period of time of major life shifts that occurred the last 7 or 8 months of my life. A period of definite change and reflection in all areas, Psyche, Religious, Love, self-identity.

What is the meaning behind the EP?
As I briefly touched on before, I really just wanted to solidify this certain piece of time. Maybe as a baseline for my own memory, so I won’t forget. Maybe as a warning to my future self. (How very mellow dramatic of me lol) I do know that these 6 songs felt at home together and I think it’s a good start to solidifying what “Mcclendon” is and what it might be in the future. It leaves a lot of questions to be answered.

Describe each track in two words.
Room 33 : Soft Warmth
Dreams : Inner dialogue
Awake : Burning Dissatisfaction
Your Love : Groove Poison
You & I : Sad and more Sad lol
Carnations : Mental Itch

What was the recording process like?
Tedious, but fun. Having my cave at my house leads to a layered process of time. I did have a few friends help with programming some drums on a track or two. Other than that, a very self-contained process (outside of mastering).

Who did you work with on the single?
Me, Myself and I

Will we see a music video for any of the tracks?
Yes, there will be a music video for “You & I” dropping near the same time as the EP

Do you have any online shows coming up?
No online shows yet, I’m really focused on creating a live setup behind the scenes and gearing up for gigs in 2021.

What else can we expect in 2020?
More music and more visuals. I’m in the process of moving the next month or so which will stop the train until I can get settled, but definitely more projects.

Do you have any collaborations coming up with any upcoming artists?
I don’t but I have a few in mind that I would like to make happen on the next project.

Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? And who would they have to contact?
Completely, I’m pretty easy to reach. I don’t check socials that often, but a DM on Instagram ought to do it. Or they can email my management team at maria@evergreenent.com.

Do you play any instruments?
Yes, Guitar, Bass, Piano, 12 string (so basically guitar), Harmonica
Working on the electric triangle next.

Who are your influences?
Musically? So many…Walley De Becker, Jonsi, Jeff Buckley, Bon Iver, Ben Howard, Leif Vollebek.

How do you get inspiration to write songs?
Experience, Conversations, Art and Poetry and other songs of course.

Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Hopefully a handful of records out and satisfied.

When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
Within the last year and a half, I got a motorcycle so mainly drive. Eat a good meal, rock climb – before COVID hit anyway.

What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more into the music scene?
Leif Vollebeks record “New Ways” “Wendell Walker” by Adam shauf and Matt Corby’s latest record made me feel inadequate as a writer, in the best way. It’s pushed me to dig harder lyrically.

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
“Build it and they will come”

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians not about the industry and just as an artist?
To not worry about the industry. To build your train and gather a community of like-minded people. Create, create, create. Sometimes a spark happens outside of yourself, but I think majority comes from exploration and action.

Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
I’ve moved over 15 times growing up and spent majority of that time in Oklahoma. So, I claim the state instead of a town. Taco Bueno or Eskimo Joes

Your coming off tour.
1/ Where do you go first?
To my own bed
2/ Who do you see first? My brothers
3/What do you eat first? Waffle house

Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?

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