What is your name?
Tammy Leviav
What is the bands name?
Plane To Paris
What is your genre of music?
Alternative pop
Give us a little bio about you.
Born in Israel, playing the piano since the age of 11, even though I always hated practising. My previous materials were in Hebrew and this is the first time I’m releasing music in English.
What made you go into music?
Music is a place where I can let my voice be heard. A lot of life’s circumstances are built in a way that oppress us, not to be heard, not to say what we think, not to go our own different way. Looking back I understand that music was always an outlet for me, that allowed me to express whatever I want and be whoever I want.
Who are your influences?
I loved listening to the Beatles at a very young age in my father’s turntable, so this would be my first significant influenc. beyond that my foundations are pretty divers, from David Bowie, Kate Bush and Radiohead to Elizabeth Fraser, Underworld, Daft Punk, The prodigy, Fatboy Slim and Boards of Canada
Are you a signed?
Not signed
You released your new single ‘The City’, tell us more about the single and the meaning behind the song.
Tel Aviv – my home city, is one of the most open places in the world for the LGBTQ community, so moving to a suburb with my partner and our 3 boys, a few years back, was not easy. ‘The City’ talks about this experience and the things we had to face.
Describe the track in two words.
LGBTQ celebration
What was the writing and recording process like?
The writing process was rather long. It started with a gibrish part recorded as a voice message on my phone and later there were a lot of different attempts to try and build it into a song. Some songs are just streaming out in 5 minuets and others have a long and difficult birth. It can be daunting but that’s just the way it is.
Who did you work with on the single?
I worked with iogi (Yogev Glusman), the very talented producer, who produced the song and the entire album.
Will we see a music video for ‘The City’ , and if so, what can we expect from the creative process?
There is a music video for the song that contains some AMAZING archived materials from Pride parades in the 70s and 80s. I am in awe at these individuals, as displayed in the video, who dared to speak up and stand up decades ago, during times when being queer was not only considered utterly disgraceful but could very likely have had horrific personal consequences. As you know, we’ve come a long way, but the journey is still long.
Will we see an EP or album and if so, what can we expect from it?
Yes, the album is ready and will be out at around December.
What else can we expect in late 2023?
We’re planning to release an EP with some remixes to the album’s songs.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Hopefully with a lot more music out!
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
Set list, lyrics, Capo, guitar picks and to breath.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
My Instagram