Tell us a little about yourself. What is your genre? What made you go into music? Who are your top 3 influences?
Hi there! I’m a Canadian pop artist and singer songwriter. I’ve loved music my whole life: when I was little I used to set up an audience in my grandparents basement and perform musical numbers for my family. I started writing songs and doing musical theatre when I was 13, and from there on I just never stopped singing. I first started putting out music when I met my (now) ex boyfriend and we formed our pop duo Your Paris. I’m so excited to be solo now and sharing my stories.
My top 3 influences right now are Ingrid Andress, the 1975, and Holly Humberstone,
Congrats on your new single “I Like Girls!” Tell us a little more about the song.
Thank you so much! This is a celebratory song about a girl asking me out and it catching me off guard. I’m really proud of the story this song tells — it explores sexuality in a youthful and exciting way that I think is relatable to anyone (queer identifying or not). I like to describe this song as being full of “crush energy”.
Describe the track in two words.
Vibrant and fun.
What was the writing and recording process like?
I wrote this song with my friend Monica after telling her the story behind the song. We initially proposed the chorus being “I Like Girls” as a joke — it seemed too obvious. Then we kinda froze, looked at each other and laughed as we realized it worked. We brought it to my producers Jon Pike and Brandon Pero, and with them we refined the writing and they got started on the production. We recorded the vocals and instruments at Brandon’s home studio, and recorded live drums at Inception Sound.
What was shooting the music video like? What were you aiming to accomplish with it?
It was so much fun. We filmed it at my friend’s restaurant and got a bunch of my friends and family involved. We all had such a blast. I was (and still am) so impressed with how the day went and how well it turned out. Everyone really showed up for me and the performances are just *chefs kiss* across the board.
Will we see an EP or album from you later this year?
Yes!! I am working on an EP that will come out this fall.
Do you have any upcoming live shows?
Not as of right now.
What is a quote you live by?
Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
What are your social media accounts so we can stay up to date?
I’m @helloitslaila everywhere!