What is your name?
DH: David Helpling
What is your genre of music?
DH: Ambient/Electronic
Give us a little bio about you.
DH: “Music is always in my head. That’s how I write. I’m always dreaming.” David Helpling is an award-winning recording artist whose bold sound and haunting melodies have made him a favorite of the Ambient Electronic field ,but his signature liquid guitar often takes a shimmering step between genres, often making his music unquantifiable.Working out of his Southern California studio, David is self-produced and is finding new purpose and creative direction by collaborating with other artists. With eight official releases to date and several more in production, he doesn’t show signs of slowing. However, you choose to describe it, David’s inventive music and unforgettable sound has made an impression on listeners around the world and continues to surprise and enchant.
What made you go into music?
DH: The sound of musical instruments has enthralled me since I was a child… the amazing sounds of the late 70’sand early 80’s really lit me up in a way that was kind of unstoppable.
Who are your influences?
DH: U2, Bjork, The Blue Nile, Simple Minds, Icehouse, Beck, Dark Film Scores.
Are you signed?
DH: Yes. I have 8 albums released on SPM with several more on the way.
You released your new single ‘Living Like a Ghost’, tell us more about the single and the meaning behind the song and the collaboration.
DH: For me it was always the haunting quality of Chris and Kylee’s vocals and the underlying themes of what it means to be truly alone. I turned off everything aside from the vocals and just started writing… there was asymphony hiding in there somewhere.
Describe the track in two words.
DH: Explosivemelancholy.
What was the writing and recording process like?
DH: For me it was 100% feel and listening to the thousands of ideas that appeared in my mind upon first listening. You just lay them down one after another and try everything. The first couple of days with a new piece is where everything happens… the rest is just production.
Who did you work with on the single?
DH: Heartracer (Chris Cosby, Chip Cosby & Kylee Gordon)
Will we see a music video for single ‘Living Like a Ghost’, and if so, what can we expect from the creative process?
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect from the creative process.
DH: I don’t know that you will hear a sound like this from us again, but we will certainly be working together on new music.
Describe each song in two words.
DH: Explosive Melancholy
Do you have any live shows coming up?
DH: As a producer and recording artist I am not a performing musician, but Heartracer certainly does have shows coming up.
What else can we expect in late 2023?
DH: The “Producer’s Cut” of Living Like a Ghost will be released very soon… it’s twice as long and kind of in love with itself.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
DH: Making epic records and producing upcoming bands and artists…
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
DH: “Music is always in my head. That’s how I write. I’m always dreaming.”
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?