Hi Gemma, Thanks for chatting with me,
How are you doing? I’m very well thank you. Give us a small bio about who you are for those who may not know. I’m a singer songwriter from Ireland. Tipperary to be exact. I’ve released five albums since 2000 and am currently in the middle of my sixth album. My music varies wildly depending on my mood and what it is I’m trying to convey. I’m currently working on my sixth album which I can only describe as deconstructed folk/pop. Lots of sweet melodies that live within a darker, more broken down landscape. Hope that makes sense!!
You are going on the road for the ‘An Acoustic Road Tour’ in May 2022, tell us how the tour came around and what we can expect from you?
I’m very excited about this tour. Its unusual in the sense that four songwriters share the stage to preform, chat and collaborate on songs. I love this concept as you never know where the conversation will take us on any given night and also what songs we decide to play based around that. Jamie Lawson contacted me and asked if I wanted to get involved. I said yes immediately because it’s new and slightly terrifying which is always good fun!
We hope to hear some of your classics on the tour, but will we also see some new material from you and if so what can you tell us about it?
Yes I’ll play a mixture of old and new. This tour will be the first time I play new material from the up and coming album. Wha’ts fun about this type of acoustic tour is you take a larger, more band heavy song and reimagine it on an acoustic which is really interesting. Also loving the idea of us playing on each other’s songs.
You are sharing the stage with Jamie Lawson, Richard Walters and Laura Zocca, what are you most excited about?
All of it!:) While the concept of an Acoustic Round performance is not new, it’s actually rarely done in contemporary touring so for me it feels new and fresh. I love Jamie, Richard and Laura’s music so can’t wait to collaborate more than anything.
Will be maybe seeing some live duets on the tour?
Definitely. Haven’t a clue what songs yet though.
Will we see a live record come out from one of the shows to showcase those songs in a new way for those who can’t make the tour?
We plan to record most shows then hopefully make the set available online.
Will you have support on at any of the shows and if so, can you tell us who?
We haven’t chatted about that yet so I don’t know.
Share the ticket links below for fans to get theirs.
An Acoustic Round with Jamie Lawson, Gemma Hayes, Richard Walters and Laura Zocca
What else can we expect in 2022 from you?
A new album and lots of touring. It’s always the best feeling to have new material and be at the beginning of an album release. I can’t wait to play in front of a live audience again. That connection is so important to me. Being denied it for the last two years has really intensified the need to re connect.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Ha! I’m the queen of self help quotes! The big ones for me and that I have stuck by are…
Don’t look left or right just run your own race. It’s so easy start to compare yourself to artists around you. Whilst it’s great to be inspired by peoples works, it’s counter productive to start the comparing game. For me anyway! The more I just focus on what is inside that wants to be heard and nothing else the more my music resonates in the outside world.
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
Honey, guitar plecks, my lucky stone, I make a quiet space beforehand to settle the nerves and focus. Oh and my guitar. Can’t forget my guitar!!!
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