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What are your names?
Frankie from the N.E. on the Vox.
JMEHWRD (Jamie Howard) on the beats and mix.
M. Casi on bass, group moral, and in charge of snack

What is the band’s name?
Glitter Thief, the one and only!

How did you come up with the band’s name?
Oh man, we had a list of like 100 names with 90% of them being absolutely awful. Then we narrowed it down to 2 and sat on it for a few days. After a couple of days I think we’d all forgotten what the other choices were, so it sort of picked itself haha.

What is your genre of music?
Hip Hop, we like to think we make music for sensitive bad boys, cause it’s aggressive, but also we cover some more personal topics, thugz have tearz too.

Give us a little bio about you as a band.
Influenced by a strong DIY ethic, our love of Hip Hop, Punk Rock and 90’s pop culture, Glitter Thief have come together to deliver laid back tunes with our view of the world.

What made you go in to music?
Making loud noises and trying to get attention haha.

Are you a signed?
We may or may not be affiliated with Round Table Records, but that’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone.

You released your new single ‘Hip Hopcrisy’, tell us more about the single.
This is our debut track, which we are excited to get out. We have all come from a ‘rock’ background so this is something new for us which we hope goes down well!

What is the meaning behind the single?
Hip Hop is full of hypocrisy, Chris Brown crooning love songs, whilst beating up women. 6ix 9ine representing the gang life, then immediately snitching. Drake dragging Pusha T’s wife into a beef, then claiming that ‘families are off limits’ when his son is brought up. One day I just sat down with Jamie’s beat on repeat and streamed out some verses about it onto paper.

Describe the track in two words.
Fun + Serious

What was the writing process like?
Jamie and I bounce stuff off each other constantly, little ideas or snippets, Hip Hopcrisy was something that fell into place surprisingly quickly. It feels really natural.

What was the recording process like?
We basically do everything from home, no studios, no advances involved, it’s all done from the comfort of our bedrooms haha.

Who did you work with on the single?
Bouncing ideas off our boss, Miguel.

Will we have a music video for the tracks?
Yeah that actually dropped the same time as the song. We thought the best was of representing that hypocrisy was through a corrupt superhero. It’s basically a low-budget Hancock haha, I wonder if Marvel will make us part of the MCU?

Will we see an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect?
That all depends on whether people like our first track, if we put it out and immediately start getting bullied online, that’ll probably kill the dream. We don’t want another Rebecca Black – Friday situation.

Do you have any online shows coming up?
Unfortunately not, but as soon as we can all go outside we will be hitting the stage!

What else can we expect in 2020?
More singles and music videos! Maybe a live show or two? Almost definitely a cover of Rebecca Black’s Friday

Do you have any collaborations coming up with any up coming artists?
Not at the moment, but we’re discussing it for some of our upcoming releases, if you know anyone who can sing hit us up

Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? and who would they have to contact?
Hell yeah! DM us on Instagram (@weareglitterthief).

Do you play any instruments?
Between us we play a mix of instruments, guitar, keys, bass or drums. It’s definitely a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ situation.

Who are your influences?
We have a big list! Coming from a Punk Rock background we have all been into acts like Rancid, Suicide Machines, Descendents, Pup and Blink. But we are also massive Hip-Hop heads being influenced by A Tribe Called Quest, Doom, Run The Jewels, The Roots, Tyler and Dilla. Throw in a bit of Death Grips, Pixies, Poppy and Marley for good measure too.

How do you get inspiration to write songs?
It can be really random. Sometimes it’ll be news stories or life events. Often it is something that many people can relate with.

Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Hopefully doing this!

When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
I work in the art and design world, so if I’m not making music, then I’d probably be designing something. – Frankie
I skate a lot so you can often find me falling over in the streets of London – Jamie

What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more in to the music scene?
It was either the Venga Boys (We’re Going to Ibiza), or the soundtrack to War Of The Worlds; they’re both masters of their crafts.

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
“All my life I’ve had one dream… to achieve my many goals.”

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians not about the industry and just as an artist?
We might not be qualified to give advice, but if we had to, we’d say to not overthink things. Go with you’re gut and if it feels right, then that’s all that matters. We all struggle with perfectionism and pick ourselves apart a lot, which can be good and a bad thing. Sometimes it’s just good to go with your natural instinct as this can often be what works best.

What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Do or Do not, there is no try – Star Wars, I think?

Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
Frankie is from Luton. It’s probably best to avoid there.
Jamie is from London, so probably a cuppa with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Your coming off tour;
1/ Where do you go first?
2/ Who do you see first? Anyone but each other as we’d probably be sick of each other by this point.
3/ What do you eat first? McDonalds (again)

When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
McDonalds (before gig), instruments (during the gig), and another McDonalds (after the gig). A couple of drinks to calm the nerves, and a crowd… don’t forget the crowd.

Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yeeeaaahhhhhhh booiiiiiiiii

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