The Trio made up of Josh Kerr who is lead vocalist, Murray Siddans on guitar and Pete Sercombe hitting the drums.
Debuting their Album ‘Chairs’ which has 10 tracks which all have them great instrumentals and vocals.
The First Track of the Album ‘One Life’ starts off guitar solo and then the vocals come in makes you want to listen again; this is track to encourage you.
Another track is ‘All My Life’, seems a personal but yet catchy and enjoyable to listen to, the chorus is catchy and the kick of drums and guitar riffs give you the feel of the whole album
This is just a couple of their fantastic tracks, now it’s your turn you have a listen and watch out for this Trio.
An upbeat Album and full of big tunes, this is a band to check out and watch their space.
Id Listen to this Album everyday and every night.
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