What is your name?
Olivia Dolphin
What is your genre of music?
Indie pop, alt rock, witchy vibes
Give us a little bio about you.
Providence, Rhode Island’s Olivia Dolphin brings a deep and gritty honesty to her lyrics that captures an audience. Whether it’s a song about embracing your imperfections, being ghosted, or challenging yourself, Dolphin’s vulnerability pulls you in. Her sound effortlessly weaves together indie pop and alternative rock, each track a dynamic ebb and flow that draws on a background in classical music.
What made you go into music?
When I was younger, I was drawn to just about every instrument. I started out as a classical flute player and around the same time, my mom got a piano for her 40th birthday. She never learned to play, but I did. Having access to music education changed my life. I distinctly remember my parents playing just about every genre in the house. One day it would be the Beatles, the next it was Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, the next it was the O Brother Where Art Tho movie soundtrack. Hearing all the differences and similarities between so many music styles showed me all the possibilities music can bring.
Who are your influences?
I am a fan of so many female singer-songwriters: Ingrid Michaelson, Laura Stevenson, Cat Power, Brandi Carlile are just a to name a few. I’m also a huge fan of so many folk “stomp-and-holler” bands like The Lone Bellow and The Ballroom Thieves.
Are you a signed artist?
I am not! I am distributing my music on my own.
You released your latest Single ‘Not Perfect’, tell us more about the single and the meaning behind the song.
Not Perfect is the acceptance anthem I never knew I needed to write. So much of the themes in my music revolve around self-growth and constant change and improvement. But sometimes, it’s okay to just sit with your faults. That’s half the battle sometimes, just naming things you know to be true about yourself. That’s where lines like “I can be a little mean when I feel unseen” come from – there’s power in just saying those things out loud. The song was one of the last songs I wrote in an apartment I lived in for 7 years. I was about to move in with my partner and all these feelings surfaced, this thought of “oh no, they’re gonna realize i’m actually awful.” This was a way to admit some of my faults off the bat and do some self-soothing. “Just so you know that I know that I’m not perfect” also combats the negativity that is sometimes paired with a strong independent woman. Confidence and arrogance can be mismatched. Just because I’m confident doesn’t mean I think I can do no wrong. I wanted to tackle that head on in this song as it’s something i come up against in relationships with people that may be insecure in their own selves and faults.
Describe the track in two words.
Not perfect 😉 No, I’m kidding, I promise. Let’s go with ‘windows-down banger’. Okay, that’s technically 3 but would I be a writer if I couldn’t wield a hyphen?
What was the writing and recording process like?
Absolutely so fun to head into Big Nice Studio in Lincoln, RI (my home town!) and lay these full band tracks down. We rehearsed a lot, constantly, twice a week, each song twice or more in a rehearsal. What you’re hearing in the recording is pretty much a live recording! We then of course went over with isolated vocals. We had one late night moment where we recorded the group vocals in a big, warehouse-y, echo-y room. We all ran around in between takes so the mics would pick up the right balance, and we just shouted the call and response. It was chaos in the best way.
Who did you work with on the single?
A dream team:
Olivia Dolphin – Writer, vocals, piano Johnny McMahon – Bass Guitar
Jeff Kidd – Harmonica
Luke Leheny – Guitar
Sam Jaksa – Drums
Produced and Mixed by Emma Newton
Mastered by Brad Krieger
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered at Big Nice Studios in Lincoln, RI
Can we expect an Album or EP and If so, what can we expect from it?
Our current single release is indeed building to a full-length album in early fall. It’s a mix of upbeat, reclamation anthems and a little bit of the softer side of my music that I don’t always showcase during live shows or previous recordings. The album has a handful of tracks with the full band, but a few that got more of an “orchestral” sound that I cannot wait for people to hear.
Do you have any live shows coming up?
We play often in Rhode Island! The music scene in providence and beyond is so incredible and there is something for everyone. Our next shows are July 8th at Pump House Music and August 11th (my birthday!) at Myrtle (which is also a vintage store!)
Let us know where we can get tickets if so.
Most everything will be at the door or cash! Myrtle is a free show. Come on by if you’re a new englander!
What else can we expect in 2024?
Full album release, merch, and a whole lot of shows. More sparkly shoes and black on black show outfits. I am hoping my live shows turn into a space of expression for my local friends and fans.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Big believer of “the sun will still rise”. It’s a saying my friend Lis and I have said to each other over and over. The sun is still going to rise, there will be light, and you keep going. Even if you gotta take rest and space, the sun is still going to rise.
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My throat-coat tea. My merch. My keyboard. My lyrics. My sparkly stage shoes.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes! I am @lividol on both instagram, tiktok and a few other social platforms, but those are my main accounts where you can connect with me. I would love to hear from everyone! Connecting with people over the magic of music is simply so wonderful and it blows my mind every time someone streams a song. Thank you everyone for listening and reading.