What is your name?
Allan Purvis
What is your genre of music?
Indie Rock-Pop
Give us a little bio about you.
Im a singer-songwriter that grew up on the outskirts of Glasgow, writing what I call ‘euphoric anthems and little toe tappers’- catchy songs with big festival style chorus’s that you cant help but get stuck in your head.
What made you go into music?
Ive been obsessed with music since I was 13 years old after stealing my dads iPod to use on a paper-round, and falling inlove with Oasis tunes. At 15, I won a battle of the bands contest for Best Original Song, which spurred me on to pursuing a career in music, teaching myself guitar and posting terrible singing videos online. Over the years i’ve developed my confidence and skill more to the point of pushing myself into a solo career, having spent many years in bands. I dream of being able to playmusic festivals across the world.
Who are your influences?
Influences include The Killers, Sam Fender, The 1975, Tom Odell, Avicii, Coldplay and Inhaler to name a few
Are you a signed?
Currently Unsigned
You released your new single ‘Summer Something’, tell us more about the single and the meaning behind the song.
Summer Something is a happy and upbeat song melodically, but lyrically I touch on being in a dark place with life and love,and essentially chasing the summer sun like it is some magical
solution to those things.
Describe the track in two words.
“Beach Vibes”
What was the writing and recording process like and Who did you work with on the single?
The single was written and recorded entirely by myself – I produced the foundation demo for it too and I had myproducer Daniel Beattie, touch and tidy it up to give it that professional edge.
Will we see a music video for ‘Summer Something’, and if so what can we expect from the creative process like?
No music video planned for Summer Something, its part of an altogether bigger plan… (which I cant reveal yet)
Can we expect an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect from it.
My Plan just now is to release as many singles as possible throughout the year. I have a lot of songs that I think deservethe spotlight rather than being hidden on an album or EP and for now, thats the aim – I would love to eventually be able torelease an EP or Album however
Do you have any live shows coming up?
I have multiple live shows throughout the UK this year – tickets can be bought from the link in my bio for all of them!
What else can we expect in early 2023?
In Early 2023, you can expect to see me a lot more on social media as well as a few more songs dropped and gigs played.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
In 5 years time, I plan to be walking off the Coachella stage after playing a killer setlist, whilst being handed a cold beer anda fat cigar, flick a pair of sunglasses on my napper and hop right into a hot tub (before doing my favourite thing ever which isgoing home, eating chocolate and falling asleep)
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
One of my favourite quotes is so basic, but I truly believe it. “Everything happens for a reason” – there is so much I think back to and think god CRINGE, but then I start to break everything down and go “of this didn’t happen, I wouldn’t havedone this other thing, which has lead me to this bit’
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
If its my own gig, then its a MASSIVE bottle of water, Can of Monster (goth juice), phone and laptop chargers, hair product, spare batteries – im a worrier with gigs so I try go extraaa prepared!
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
All links here