What is your name?
My name is Evelyn Bates, it’s my stage name, inspired by Hitchcock’s “Psycho”.
What is your genre of music?
I write neo-classical piano compositions and electronic pop songs
Give us a little bio about you.
Evelyn Bates is a professional, classically trained pianist, composer, pop singer and actress. Evelyn started studying piano in the tradition of the Russian piano school and singing at an early age and was accepted at a classical music school at the age of 6. She continued her studies, later won awards at piano competitions and was awarded full scholarships to study with world renowned musicians. Spending her time after school at classical concerts at the conservatoire and secretly performing jazz and pop music as a singer on school days, she combined both of her passions early on. After building her professional piano career for almost 20 years, Evelyn moved to London to pursue a singing, acting career and composing for films. She wrote music for critically acclaimed short films “It’s Not Safe Outside”, “The Sessions”, “Detached” and others. Her vocals are featured in the tv series “The Undeclared War” on Channel 4.
What made you go into music?
I was surrounded by music and musicians from an early age and had always been fascinated with writing and performing music.
Who are your influences?
I grew up listening to the mix of classical (Rahmaninov, Chopin), jazz (Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald), pop (Britney Spears), rock (AC/DC, The Rasmus, Avril Lavigne)
Are you a signed?
You released your new single ‘Nobody Else But You’, tell us more about the single and the meaning behind the song.
The song was written in 2017 and was a work in progress for quite some time. The song is about a failed relationship where one person had a chance to make things work, but they missed it. The lyrics describe the disappointment and frustration of the other person who was left with a broken heart. So it’s pretty much a break up & get over him song at the same time.
What was the writing and recording process like?
It was quite a frustrating process! I think I didn’t know much about the process of getting it all together as an independent artist.
Who did you work with on the single?
I worked with a few producers, it took me a long time to find the right person and that person was Eric Ananda, who was so kind to be a part of it! Eric made this whole beautiful big production which I’m very grateful for.
Can we expect an EP or Album and if so what can we expect from it.
I have a few songs ready to go, but I think I’ll take at least a month off before I start another campaign.
What else can we expect in early 2023?
I have more pop songs to release, more neo-classical piano compositions and I’m working on writing music for a big documentary. Which is both exciting and a little scary!
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
I’m hoping to write more music for films, release more piano compositions and more pop songs. And combine all those things in one show.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Never give up, never surrender.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes, you can find me on: