What is yourname?
Oliver Darling
What is your genre of music?
Folk Blues/Americana
Give us a little bio about you for those new to your music.
I have done a lot of different stuff previously, but my new project is an acoustic singer/songwriter album, rooted in folk blues, the stuff I was listening to when I first started playing. While not doing my own thing I play guitar in Imelda May’s band andGeraint Watkin’s band.
What made you go into music?
I heard Jimi Hendrix’s Purple Haze at primary school and was fascinated by thesound. My Mum got me a guitar from a jumble sale, and I got on with it, so tooksome lessons, then started going to gigs and meeting musicians and lovedeverything about it. I always wanted a career where I could travel so music wasperfect.
Who are your influences?
My main heroes are Big Bill Broonzy, Johnny Moore and Peter Green. I’m also a big fanof Eric Clapton, The Beatles, T-Bone Walker, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk and ShaniaTwain!
Are you a signed?
Yes, to Another Planet Music.
You are set to release your new album ‘Lee’s Blues’, tell us more about the album andthe inspiration behind it.
This project is going back to making music like the guys I was first influenced by-themain one being Big Bill Broonzy, and this album is in part a tribute to him-his real name was Lee Conley Bradley, hence ‘Lee’s Blues’. I also listened to a lot of Eric Clapton ‘Unplugged’ (which also had some Big Bill inspiration) and I guess this is anUnplugged style album-it’s mainly acoustic. Some of the originals I had for a while, and some I wrote while recording the album… they’re all about the usual subject…women! As BB King said.. ‘I’ve been around the world several times and as yet not foundanything better to sing about’!
Describe each track in two words.
Hmmm tricky!
Lee’s Blues-Broonzy inspired
Devil Got MyWoman-Delta cover
Glory of Love-First inspiration
Got Love-Watersinspired
Don’t Think I’m That Crazy Anymore-Probably am
Honey Bee-Avevo torto (you can’t say it in two words in English)
Worried About Your Woman-A warning!
Anne-Happy memories
Champagne and Caviar-Brown inspired
She’s My Baby-Country hoedown
I’m Your Guy-Happy ending
What was the writing and recording process like?
It was great because I had loads of time-not just physical but also mental time andspace-I recorded the bulk in the first lockdown in my room, so literally had all the timein the world. This helped with being able to follow ideas for new songs as I was recording too. After speaking with Mark from the label about the project, he suggested adding more instruments to the album, so Istarted thinking about who to add to what, then went out to people kitchens and rehearsal rooms to capture everyone else’s performances.
Who did you work with on the album?
Rollo Markee on harmonica and vocals, Rob Pokorny on drums, Joe Glossop onpiano, Bob Loveday on violin, Al Gare on double bass and Dean Beresford on drums. I then mixed and produced the album with Marco Cinelli.
What is the message you are trying to convey through the album?
I haven’t really thought about this! I guess it would be-I’m writing music, and this is where I’m starting from,I hope you like it and will follow me wherever it goes!
Will we see a tour and if so when and where can we get tickets (if we can yet)?
Yep, I’m doing a few dates to promote the release now, all venues and tickets are onmy website at www.oliverdarling.com. There’re also videos etc. on there so pleaseswing by and check it out!
What else can we expect in 2022?
Hopefully we’ll be doing some festivals, more touring across the country and abroad,and trying out songs for the next album!
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Another tricky one.. making music that I find fulfilling, is known about and respected by the people Ilook up to, and hopefully it’s something that everyone can enjoy and relate to.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
This time next year Rodney….
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My guitar (!), vocal zones, my little bag (tuner, capo, spare strings, Imodium), a guitar lead, and a mic I have been known to forget more than one of these things before!
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes, I’m also on the usual platforms, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Soundcloud, Spotify.