What is your name?
What is your genre of music?
I’d say indie, folk, shoegaze-y stuff, with an electronic element.
Give us a little bio about you.
I’m 24 years old. I moved to New York 6 years ago for college, but I grew up in Barrington, Illinois. My dad’s a guitarist and wonderful musician overall, and I started writing and recording with him when I was 12 all around Chicago. I live in Brooklyn now and write and produce from my little home studio that mostly consists of this Yamaha motif synth that my dad passed down to me when I moved to New York.
What made you go into music?
Music has always been the biggest part of who I am since the beginning. I feel like I’m inextricably linked to it – in a good way! Growing up in a musical household, I’ve been singing and listening to music since I could talk. Singing is a very spiritual practice for me, and it almost feels like therapy. I love writing and creating so it was just the right path for me – there was never anything else.
Who are your influences?
This is a hard question because there are so many and it changes all the time. But I’d say for this project some big influences were Elliott Smith, Adrianne Lenker, and Radiohead – I was obviously feeling very emo at the time. My writing style changes a lot, so it really depends on who I’m listening to or connecting with the most.
Are you signed?
You released your new single ‘Oh Haha’, tell us more about the single.
It’s been a long time coming. I haven’t released any music since I was really young and in high school. I was taking my time just writing and finding my voice in that sense. ‘oh haha’ just finally felt like I had something to say and I was able to convey a lot of difficult emotions into something that felt whole.
What is the meaning behind the single?
It’s a song about laughing at your missteps and brushing things off when you probably shouldn’t have. It’s honestly ultimately about understanding your worth and what you deserve, or don’t deserve. I called it “oh haha” because that is a text I literally sent to someone who was being an asshole to me. It’s like digitally dismissing my own feelings – it feels uncomfortable and confusing. It’s sad and a very cathartic song that became really important to me in my healing process after a relationship ended.
What was the writing and recording process like?
The process was very drawn out on and off for about a year. I wrote it on a looping pedal at first, and then months later I translated it onto acoustic guitar when I was writing a lot more songs on guitar and learning how to play guitar in general. I later recorded it at my boyfriend’s parents house in New Jersey, where I ended up recording a lot of songs that had been written over that period of time.
Describe the track in two words.
“oh haha”
Who did you work with on the single?
My boyfriend, Brian Glaws, is a really special guitarist so he helped me polish everything on the guitar since I’m still a beginner. He’s the one playing on the recording. I brought the recording to my friend Theo Walentiny, who is an incredible pianist and producer, and he ended up producing, mixing, and mastering the track – along with four other songs.
Will we see a Music video for single ‘Oh Haha’, what can we expect from the creative process?
Nothing is in the works for a music video just yet. That’s definitely something I’d love to do in the future, but I have my focus on some other things right now and I’m just happy to finally have the song out for people to connect to.
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, can you give us a teaser of what to expect?
Yes! This song is a part of an EP that has been in the works for over a year. It’s 5 songs total and deals with similar themes of self-reflection and delusion.
Do you have any live shows or a tour coming up and if so let us know where we can catch you at?
I just finished up a line of shows the past couple months in New York, as well as a vinyl campaign. I’m taking a little break while I plan the release of the EP and work on new songs, and just rest. I’m planning some shows for September and an exciting new set with new songs!
What else can we expect in 2022?
EP release. Maybe a new single release later in the year. More shows.
Will we see any collaborations and if so, can you tell us more about them?
No official song collaborations on the horizon in that sense, but I’m always collaborating with my friends in the community on new music and playing at shows together. I feel very lucky to be surrounded by a lot of creatives that are so special and I can call my friends.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
It’s hard to even say where I see myself next week. Things are just too unpredictable and if singing and writing are the only things that makes me feel present and grounded, I’m going to narrow my focus to now.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
There are no rules
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
Spare mic and cables. Lots of water. Essential oil roller ball thing. Snacks (usually an applesauce packet because I’m a baby). and hair accessories for any identity.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes, I’m on instagram, on Facebook. And you can find my music anywhere under the name eej.