What is your genre of music?
I would say dreamy americana pop.

Give us a little bio about you.
I’m from the Bay Area and I currently live in Los Angeles. I went to school in Nashville, where I studied creative writing at Vanderbilt and also got my start in the music industry. I love words and clothes and doing anything outdoors!

What made you go into music?
I’ve been playing violin since Kindergarten, so that definitely gave me a strong foundation of music knowledge. When I was in middle school I started teaching myself guitar, and it felt so freeing and expressive compared to being in a classical orchestra. I’d always liked writing little poems and playing around with words, so I kinda put it all together and fell in love with writing songs. 

Who are your influences?
Amy Winehouse is a huge influence on me – no one sounds like her, no one writes like her, which I think is so cool. I grew up listening to a lot of country and folk music, so artists like Joni Mitchel and Emmylou Harris are really inspiring to me. I also love Lana Del Rey, Tame Impala, Bon Iver. 

Are you signed?
I’m independent!

You released your new single ‘Slow Down’, tell us more about the single.
I wrote this song shortly after graduating college, right when I went home for a little while before moving to LA. I felt like everything was a little bit in limbo, and I was pretty nervous about entering this new stage of life. I wrote Slow Down really to tell myself that it was going to be okay, that it can be a good thing to feel uncertain and lost. 

What is the meaning behind the single?
It’s a song about taking a beat and evaluating the things that are important. Sometimes the best way to do that is to try to enjoy little things in daily life. 

What was the writing and recording process like?
This song felt very easy to make – we knew almost exactly the direction we wanted it to go from the start. My favorite part about the recording process was incorporating a voice memo I took of my parents’ old pipe xylophone into the background of the song.  

Describe the track in two words.
This might be cheating, but I think the title slow down really sums it up – I like that it’s almost a command, because I wrote it really as a reminder to myself. 


Who did you work with on the single?
Brian Malouf did the production. I’m so grateful to him for bringing this song to life. 

Will we see a Music video for ‘Slow Down’, what can we expect from the creative process?
I don’t have a music video planned, but I would love to do a stripped version to show people how the song originated. 

Will we see an EP or Album and if so, can you give us a teaser of what to expect?
Yes! I have an EP coming up. Some of the songs are a bit more romantic than anything I’ve released before, so that’s exciting and terrifying. 

Do you have any live shows or a tour coming up and if so let us know where we can catch you at?
I don’t have any live shows planned…yet.

What else can we expect in 2022?
More music! And definitely some shows. 

Will we see any collaborations and if so, can you tell us more about them?
I don’t have any planned right now.

Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Hopefully writing lots, making music with people I really connect with creatively. I could see myself going back to Nashville at some point. 

What quote or saying do you always stick by?
I love this Martha Graham quote my mom sent me when I was having a bad spurt of writer’s block. 
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.” 

When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My dad’s come to almost every live show I’ve done, so I can’t forget him. He typically provides some tequila, which is also very important. Headphones are one, I like to listen to Dua Lipa to get excited. I like to have my own guitar, and probably a capo to make things easier.  

Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes! on instagram

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