What is your name?
ella ruby
What is your genre of music?
It oscillates between acoustic singer-songwriter and indie-folk. Very lyric-driven, meditative, and (dare I say) moody.
Give us a little bio about you.
I’m a Pacific Northwester through and through, born and raised in Seattle, Washington. I’m also a ceramic artist, a history student, and a big ole fan of sweet potatoes.
I’ve been singing since I was a kid – my dad’s from a big folk community in Omaha, Nebraska, and when my sister and I were little my dad would play guitar and sing with us before our bedtime. As I grew up, I started seeking out opportunities to perform – I did some musical theatre here and there and actually sang in the Seattle Opera’s youth chorus a couple of times. I didn’t start writing my own songs and teaching myself guitar until late in high school, and over the past couple of years I’ve slowly started building up my confidence in sharing my work with others.
What made you go into music?
Gosh it’s kind of a funky mix.
First, I just know that my childhood self would be so so proud to see me singing and writing and sharing my work. But also, on the flip-side, I got to a point last year where I’d been sitting for suchhh a long time on all of the songs I’d been writing, and I started to think about how things will feel if I’m lucky enough to look back at my life as an old lady – I realized that I’d regret not putting myself out there, and not sharing my music. So here I am! For little ella and older ella and current ella.
Who are your influences?
Spiritually and sonically: Brandi Carlile, Sharon Van Etten, Adrianne Lenker, Julie Byrne, Billie Marten, Shannon Lay, Luluc…the list goes on and on
Are you signed?
Nope! Though I’ve had a lot of guidance in navigating all of the ins and outs of being an independent artist from working at MIC: Music Industry Connected – the company’s goal is to paint a clearer picture of what an indie music career actually looks like, and provide a detailed roadmap for how to navigate the business side of things. I wouldn’t be here without everyone there!
You are set to release your new single ‘Baths’, tell us more about the single.
Yay!!! I cannot wait for it to be out in the world. baths is actually one of the first songs I ever completed, up ‘til then I’d mostly been working in snippets – I remember the day I wrote it, sitting in the backyard of my parents’ house in Seattle, summer sun high and the garden buzzing with bees. baths came to me pretty much in one sitting, even though its meaning seems to start in one place and move to a completely different one. As I look back on it now, I see it as a letter to my younger self: it travels from a longing for a reciprocated romance to this stubborn and determined and vivid picture of resilient self-compassion.
What is the meaning behind the single?
I wrote baths when I was dealing with some health challenges and grappling with how those might impact my relationship with myself and with others. I found myself deeply longing for simplicity, for an honest return to myself and my body, to the rosy glow of childhood naiveté. baths is what came out of all of that.
What was the writing and recording process like?
I wrote baths a couple of years before I ended up recording it this past fall. I think that delay actually ended up giving a lot more dimension to the track – it had time to sit and grow and bloom in all of its meaning, and by the time we recorded it I think it set itself free. The day we recorded, I was sitting out on the porch at Jon’s studio, under the trees with fall just starting to crisp things up. Eric and I were playing guitar and Grace was chiming in with these gorgeous harmonies…by the time we went into the studio everything just seemed to fall into place.
Describe the track in two words.
Honest and longing.
Who did you work with on the single?
Jon O’Brien produced the track at the Music Box Studios in Idyllwild, California, and I recorded with Eric Cannata and Grace Freeman (née Gal Musette).
Will we see a Music video for ‘Baths’, what can we expect from the creative process?
I’ve actually created a lyric video for baths that can be viewed here:
Not sure yet if there will be a live-action video, only time will tell, but I have a lot of really talented friends that I’m excited to work with as the project picks up!
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, can you give us a teaser of what to expect?
Yes!! My debut EP, baby blue, is coming out later this year (and another single from the EP will be coming out in June!). I’ll say it builds in a lot more angst, sex, vulnerability, and big sound, all while sticking to its acoustic singer-songwriter roots. I cannot WAIT for you to hear!
Do you have any live shows or a tour coming up and if so let us know where we can catch you at?
Yes!!! I have one show coming up on May 22nd at Cabrillo Playhouse at 7:30 – I don’t perform much so that’d be a great time to catch me!
What else can we expect in 2022?
More goofs, more grooves! A couple more releases coming your way, and hopefully some more live performances thrown in.
Will we see any collaborations and if so, can you tell us more about them?
Not sure yet, but I hope so! I’m still so new to the scene that collaborations feel like a dream.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Ideally? Living with my sister somewhere by the ocean, writing lots of music, reading lots of good books, eating lots of good food, and going on lots of long, long walks.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
An extra shirt (to wipe off my sweaty hands, endearing I know), a thermos of tea (liquorice mint), if we’re being honest my pre-show poo (ha), a supportive friend, and ice cream after the show!!
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
You can also sign up for my newsletter on my website here!
Sid Davis
April 17, 2022 at 4:12 pm
….fine interview…