What is your name?
What is your genre of music?
I‘m quite fond of the term “Glam Punk” but theres elements of synth pop, alt rock and tonnes of emo all mixed in to all my music. It’s a buffet of styles, so grab a plate and sink your teeth in.
Give us a little bio about you.
I’m MXYM (pronounced M-X-Y-M), I’m a 25 year old singer/songwriter based in Newcastle UK! I’m a highly visual artist, and I love to create entire worlds for each of my projects for listeners to fall into and immerse themselves in the imagery, colours and characters of each release.
What made you go into music?
I’ve always just had a huge spiritual connection to music since I was young. Both my parents are huge music fans, so growing up my house was always filled with music of all genres and eras. I spent every minuet of my spare time engrossed in music and that eventually turned into me writing my own lyrics. Once my dad taught me how to play the guitar there was no stopping me, and here we are.
Who are your influences?
Musically I’m a huge fan of so many artists, from 80’s hair metal like Motely Crue, Van Halen and Poison, to experimental pop of today the likes of SOPHIE, Sega Bodega and Bjork, but I even have a huge huge love for classical music. Beyond that I’m hugely influenced by art history, cinema, fashion etc. The music and the visual have to go hand in hand for me, one influences the other. Artists like Grace Jones who turn themselves into this full 360 walking art piece are a major influence on everything I do. It’s not just about the music, it’s about the colours, the textures and the feeling it instills in the viewer.
Are you signed?
The only deal I’ve signed is with the Devil.
You are set to release your new single ‘Private In Public’, tell us more about the single.
Private In Public is an enticing bop, telling the story of a sleazy night out on the dance floor of a club. I can’t wait for this one to come out, I think it’s gonna be a very fun one to do live!
What is the meaning behind the single?
While on the surface the story in the lyrics feels quite obvious – just a night out enjoying the freedom that comes with a loss of inhibitions; for me the track is very introspective, dealing with the double edge sword of being in social situations. The song constantly makes references to the eyes on you, the viewers around you, and while the exhibitionism may be liberating, part of it is an act for the spectators. In every setting we find ourselves in, we (on some level) perform a version of ourselves that we believe we should be – or what we believe others want us to be. To who are we truly showing ourselves? to who are we showing real intimacy? when does the performance end? and are we even aware of when it does?
What was the writing and recording process like?
I wrote this song during lockdown during a creative drought, and I remember struggling writing the verses and thinking to myself “I wish I could have a chorus that went like this…” And I suddenly realised. It’s my song. I can literally do whatever I want. And once that very obvious epiphany came to me the whole track and the production just flowed straight out of me in that one day. I’ve of course cleaned the track up since and re-recorded everything, but in terms of arrangement and production everything is almost the same as the initial demo.
Describe the track in two words.
Seductive Banger
Who did you work with on the single?
Like all my music, I wrote, recorded and produced everything myself. But once everything was recorded I sent it off to the amazing EXA Audio who did the mixing and mastering of this track (and all my releases) just to make it sound so extra special, I absolutely love them. For the visuals I worked with the incredible TJmov, photographer and filmmaker extraordinaire. We do all of my visuals together and I just adore creating with them. For this single campaign we went with this dark and shady peeping tom vibe, that plays with the seedy nature of the song and especially paired with the title “private in public”.
Will we see a Music video for ‘Private In Public’, what can we expect from the creative process?
Absolutely, I’ll be filming the music video in the next few weeks with TJmov. The outfits are currently getting finished off and I am honestly more excited about this video than I’ve ever been for a video before. Conceptually we’re going with how suffocating and claustrophobic socialising is, especially in this current age of connectivity. With social media and phones, you’re in the palm of everyone’s hand. Even on a day off you can be messaged on several apps, emailed and then sent a text when realistically you just want to be alone at home. I love the contrast of me as a person having this anxiety with socialising while singing a song about living your most intimate moments in full view of everyone. So think bondage, BDSM but 60’s housewife kitch.
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, can you give us a teaser of what to expect?
I can confirm an EP will indeed definitely be happening and it’ll be incredibly ooky spooky… however it wont be rising from the grave for a little while yet.
Do you have any live shows or a tour coming up and if so let us know where we can catch you at?
I have a really busy year which is very exciting! April 14th I’ll be playing at the Stockton Calling festival (tickets: https://bit.ly/35UtI5B ) and I’ll be performing as part of The BonBons Cabaret seasonally (check the socials for info on the dates ( https://www.instagram.com/houseoflove_ne/ ) and I have a couple of gigs lined up that are very soon to be announced!!!
What else can we expect in 2022?
Like I said above, it’s a busy year. Some gigs still to announce and lots of fun things with The House of Love, the queer cabaret collective that I’m part of! Come July I’ll be once again working with Northern Pride and they finally get to host UK PRIDE in Newcastle which is super exciting.
Of course there’s the Private In Public music video still to come, and beyond that I have a couple more singles in the works and I’m already planning their visuals. And I wouldn’t be MXYM if I wasn’t going all out on Halloween so just get ready for the whole of October to get very goth, very twisted and perhaps a little gory…
Will we see any collaborations and if so, can you tell us more about them?
Musically I have nothing planned in terms of collaborations, but visually I’m very excited about the artists I have in mind to work with this year. For my last music video “Starfire” I got to work with the whole House of Love and I’m sure you’ll see a member or two popping up here and there again in some future visuals.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
On the Oscars stage accepting the Best Original Song Academy Award for my track used as the theme to the new movie “Minions 6: Cruise Control”
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Miley Cyrus once said “Drivin’ so fast, bout to piss on myself” and I just think that’s beautiful…
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
1.The words (although I have been guilty)
2. A sensible pair of stilettos
3. To entertain the crowd, they paid their money, give them a show
4. Drink some water
5. The goddamn V I B E
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?