What is your name?
Jay Alan
What is your genre of music?
Pop, but more specifically indie-pop or dream pop
Give us a little bio about you.
I was born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana near Purdue University. I sometimes joke that I’m from a small country town, but it really wasn’t with the college so close. In high school, I started studying songwriting with a Berklee Alum who happened to live in Lafayette, and released my first single, “Cold,” as a senior. I began attending Berklee College of Music in 2019, and I’m currently in my 6th semester. After I graduate, my plan is to move to LA and build my brand on the west coast!
What made you go into music?
I think it has just always been in my DNA…My parents say that I started singing pretty much when I started to speak, and would even belt out songs from the bathtub when I was a baby. Being in Indiana, though, I guess I thought people “like me” couldn’t make successful careers in the entertainment industry. It really wasn’t until I started posting covers on my YouTube channel in 2015 that I realized maybe I can do this.
Who are your influences?
Oh, the list is long, but here are the biggest ones right now: Lorde, Frank Ocean, BANKS, and Charli XCX. My influences don’t completely align with the music I’m making, but I think I listen to music that I’d like make in the future. I’m still discovering what my own sound is, and I love how each of the artists I listed have such a distinct, unique sound of their own.
Are you signed?
I’m completely independent!
You released your new single ‘Lovesick, tell us more about the single.
“Lovesick” is a cheeky twist on falling in love amid the pandemic. It’s about the awareness of developing feelings for someone, but mistaking things like butterflies in your stomach for being allergic to the person or just sick.
What is the meaning behind the single?
It’s really a love letter to my boyfriend at the time. I remember him asking why my songs were all about breakups, so I wrote the chorus to “Lovesick” to show him I could write happy love songs too! I ended up really falling in love with the idea, and finished the song with that light-hearted cheekiness in mind.
What was the writing and recording process like?
“Lovesick” was written during the pandemic, so most of the process took place over FaceTime at first. I already had the chorus written, and brought the idea to Alexa. She helped me finish the song, and then actually visited me in Boston to record it. Being her first time recording in-person at a studio, it was a pretty cool experience for me to see her reactions to everything!
Describe the track in two words.
Passionate & uplifting
We see Alexa Noelle on the track which we love over here at MOTF. Can you tell us how the collaboration come about.
I’ve actually known Alexa since my first semester at Berklee. We became pretty close towards the end of the year, but she ended up moving back to Wisconsin around the time of the pandemic. We were FaceTiming one day just to catch up, and started showing each other some of our new music. When I showed Alexa my idea for “Lovesick,” she fell in love with the idea as much as I did. The song was basically finished by the end of that call, and it seemed only fitting to have sing on it as a feature.
Who else did you work with on the single?
We worked with my longtime producer and friend, Travis Heidelman, for the production and mixing. My guitarist Alden Spence played guitar on the track, and it was mastered by Sam Moses. The cover art and visuals were shot by Will Rowan, and my lovely publicist Claire Donzelli helped with PR.
Will we see a Music video for ‘Lovesick’ , what can we expect from the creative process?
I don’t have a music video planned for “Lovesick” yet, but hopefully Alexa and I can film a live version when she comes back to Boston! I have two other songs that I’m planning videos for, and I really want them to feel like productions. I love music videos that tell a clear story, and I might try to have the videos connect to tell a bigger story…
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, can you give us a teaser of what to expect?
I have an EP coming out in April! I’ve released 3 of the 6 songs as singles, but my favorites are the ones that haven’t been released yet. One of the songs is really unexpected because of its style, but I’m excited for everyone to hear different aspects of my sound. Overall, the EP tells stories we all know too well—like falling in love with a friend or being scared to dance together in public—but through a queer lens. I think the representation of these almost cliche stories is important to show LGBTQ+ people that their experience is valid and normal too.
Do you have any live shows or a tour coming up and if so let us know where we can catch you at?
I have a release show at The Burren on April 6th! One of my friends, Annie Elise, is dropping an EP the same day as me, so we’re doing co-headlining! Now that live venues are opening back up, I’ll definitely be playing more shows this spring around Boston!
What else can we expect in 2022?
Since my EP is almost, I’ve already been thinking about what’s next for me. My goal is to have an
album out by graduation, so I think I’ll do another EP in-between then and now. I’d love to release
another single or two before the year ends, and maybe release another Christmas song like I have
the past two years.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
In 5 years from now, I’ll definitely have a world tour under my belt. I see myself having won awards and Grammys for things like “Best New Artist.” By that point, I know I’ll be signed to a major label, and I hope I get to keep my creative freedom…my goal is to have 3 albums out by the time I’m 25.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
I’ve always had a tendency to be pessimistic, but my mom is a firm believer in manifestation and intention with your thoughts and voice. Whenever I would start talking negatively about myself or my career, my mom would say, “What comes out…” It’s just a reminder to be aware of the thoughts you allow to ruminate in your head, and whether they serve you in your vision, or hold you back.
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
I would say a water bottle, my in-ears, my keyboard, the power cord to the piano (I’ve forgotten that one before), and someone to take behind-the-scenes footage
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes! My socials are on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok , etc., and you can stream my music everywhere under Jay Alan!