What is your name?
Tanner Dawson
What is your genre of music?
Give us a li6le bio about you.
Tanner Dawson is a Canadian Country Music Ar4st born in raised in small town Chase, BC. Dawson
has recently released his debut single “The Man You Make Me” and is working on his debut EP to be
released mid-2022. In short, Dawson is the definition of a hard-working, blue collar boy, striving to
bring his working class grit to the country music scene.
Dawson’s tradi4onal country vocal mixed with his influence of rock, blues, funk, and 90’s country
create a very unique and broad sound that he hopes to showcase in his subsequent releases.
Dawson emphasizes these different influences dras4cally with his live shows, which prove to be very
high energy and gives “a little something for everyone”.
What made you go into music?
I have always had a deep love for music but performing and wri4ng is my way of telling my story to
my fans, songs are meant to be relatable and that’s how I try to write. Connecting with people and
getting them through tough 4mes or celebra4ng the good 4mes is what I strive for.
Who are your influences?
Growing up my biggest influences were Garth Brooks and Dwight Yoakam, but recently I’ve fallen in
love with Eric Church, Kennedy Chesney, and Brothers Osborne. I have tons of musical influence, but
these are the most prominent at this stage of my career.
Are you signed?
I am not.
You released your single ‘The Man You Make Me’, tell us more about the single.
I wrote this song in mid 2019 star4ng produc4on with Chris Holmes the following spring. The song
was written while I was actually in a different band, we tried the song with the band a few 4mes but
it just wasn’t a good fit. Nonetheless, I knew I wanted to record this track and in all honesty this song
was one of the main reasons for me leaving that group and star4ng my solo career.
What is the meaning behind the single?
The inspira4on for this song was my ex who I was with at the time, and the emotion and meaning
being the lyrics is finally finding someone who makes you want to be a better person for their sake.
You want to be the best person you can possibly be because that’s what they deserve, because they
make you feel so amazing and special. Unfortunately this rela4onship did not work out, but I will
never regret the way I felt or the feelings I had when wri4ng it. I hope that others can relate and find
happiness or hope in the lyrics.
Describe the track in two words.
Passionate, Heart-felt
Who did you work with on the single?
There was no co-write on this track, but luckily I have an amazing producer Chris Holmes, as well as a
tight knit inner circle or “team” at which I bounce demos off of and decide which ones are good or if
changes need to be made. Id like to mention a great friend and fellow musician Daylen James who
has always been in my corner and really helped me at every turn in my career. I am also fortunate to
have an amazingly talented band who is very supportive and its great to be able to bounce song
ideas off them and get an instant idea of how the song will sound live.
Will we see a Music Video for the single and if so what can we expect
There is already a Live Off The Floor Acous4c video of this song available on Youtube, there will be a
lyric video available soon but no official music video at this time.
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect?
The plan is to release a five song EP in 2022, but that is subject to studio availability, funding, and
many other variables. At this point all I can say is that this first single is just a taste, the rest of the
tracks selected for the EP cover a wide variety of musical taste and influence across a mere five
tracks, though I truly believe there will be something in there for everyone. By definition an EP is the
first real glimpse into who you are as an artist, and I am going to show people exactly where I want
to move going forward. I can tell you that the title track is called “Who I Am” and that’s exactly what I
am going to show everyone.
What else can we expect in 2021?
At this point we can only expect a lyric video as mentioned before for “The Man You Make Me” as far
as releases. However; over the next month I am releasing a Merch store across Spotify, instagram,
facebook, and my website www.tannerdawsonmusic.com, as well as lots of sneak peaks of the
recording process leading up to the next few singles scheduled for early next year!
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
In 5 years I really want to be a rising star in the Canadian Country music scene. I truly see myself
doing this full-time, maybe having a few Canadian tours under my belt, possibly some BCCMA and
CCMA awards, but my main goal is to have a #1 song on country radio. That may not be a 5 year plan,
but its definitely at the top of my bucket list!
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
I wouldn’t say I have a specific quote, but I do believe that good things come to those who work for it
and make sacrifices to get where they want to be. That’s what keeps me going, I believe that if I
continue to work hard, people will no4ce and it will pay off in the long run
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
Honestly, when I am at a gig I just focus on the moment, the crowd, the energy, and I rely on all the
hours I have already put in to being ready. Obviously you need gear like a guitar, or picks, in-ears,
whatever you need to play the show, but at the end of the day you should be able to strip it all back
to just you. No matter the situation I believe that you should be able to run out on that stage with a
guitar and put on a show, the rest is just extra, However; it does help if you don’t forget the words!
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes, I am on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, any
streaming platform basically! Look me up!
Thanks for the chat guys, I really appreciate this!