What is your name?
Keelie Walker
What is your genre of music?
My genre of music is Pop mixed with a little R&B
Give us a little bio about you for those new to your music…
I co write almost all of my songs and with my music there’s always a story behind it with a message. I keep it real with my music so people have music to relate to from me.
What made you go into music?
I’ve always been in love with the entertainment industry. I started dancing when I was 6, acting when I was 11, and singing since I was 13. I was 13 when I discovered my passion for singing and wanted to start taking it serious
Are you signed?
I’m not
You released your new single ‘Love Beams’, tell us more about the single…
I didn’t get to write love beams except for the bridge which is at the end of the song but when I went to record it, it was so fun to sing and I loved the message for the sing.
What is the meaning behind the single?
Love beams Is about a love that just takes you head over heels for someone and your just so in love it makes you feel out of this world. Love always wins.
What was the writing and recording process like?
The part that I had participated in was a meeting over zoom and it took around 15-20 minutes. It was my first zoom writing session so I was a little nervous but it was fun. I was hesitant to go in the studio to record because I wasn’t sure how it would turn out but I loved singing it and I’m excited that it’s finally released.
Describe the track in two words…
Unique and Passionate
Who did you work with on the single?
I worked with Manny Streets and David Kater aka DK as producer/writers. It was fun working them because it was our first song together and they’ve been in the industry so it’s always amazing to get that guide and educate myself.
Will we see a music video for the single and if so what was the creative process like?
We haven’t filmed the music video yet, it’s still in discussion on whether to do it or not but if we do I will definitely announce it
Will we see an EP or album and if so what can we expect from it?
There’s definitely a part 2 EP on its way and I would say to expect just each song to be unique and fun in its own way.
You are also on tour with ‘HRVY’, how did that come about and what was your reaction to the news?
It came about with connections through management teams. I was sending in film of my performances/songs then showed HRVY and he said yes which was amazing and I was super excited to finally be able to get back on tour.
What can we expect on the tour?
Insane amount of fun, love, and support. Everyone on HRVYs team and the other opening acts as well are so sweet and humble. Their shows are so much fun to watch especially HRVYs.
Where can fans buy tickets to see you live?
The ticket link is in my bio on my Instagram
What else can we expect in 2021?
More music for videos/content and hopefully more touring
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
I see myself headlining my own tour. Which is my dream one day.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Follow your dreams and be yourself
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My phone
and my in ears
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Instagram and Facebook , and Tiktok