What are your names?
Carleton Stone & Dylan Guthro
What is the band’s name?
Port Cities
How did you come up with the band’s name?
We debated a name for a long time. We were sitting around one night and there was a bottle of Port on the table. We all grew up in port cities so it suddenly made sense!
Give us a little bio about you.
We were solo singer-songwriters who often collaborated – writing together, playing in each other’s
bands. We decided to join forces and have been releasing music ever since. We spent a ton of time
on the road pre-pandemic – Europe, the UK, the US. Now we’re doing more writing and recording
than touring – though we still do perform when schedules permit.
What made you go into music?
We all came from musical families so it was in our DNA. Like most lifers, we ended up in music
because that felt like the only right fit.
Your new single ‘Parachute’ is out now, tell us more about the single.
We wrote Parachute while in lockdown. We wanted to write something upbeat that would make
people feel good to offset the pandemic depression everyone was feeling.
What is the meaning behind the single?
We were thinking about being artists and how unpredictable that life can be. You really have to be
all in if you want to make it work.
Who did you work with on the single?
Carleton and Dylan co-produced the track and enlisted some of our favourite Toronto musicians to
play on it.
Describe the track in two words.
Upbeat and Optimistic
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect from it?
More likely to continue to produce singles for the time being.
Will we see an EP or Album and if so, what can we expect from it?
More likely to continue to produce singles for the time being.
What else can we expect in 2021?
Doing some dates on the east coast before Dylan heads off to Nashville to write. Carleton is busy
producing music for other artists (Willie Stratton) and his own solo EP all fall.
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
red wine
a towel
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?