What is your name?
Lisa Goe
What is your genre of music?
Pop.. sometimes Jazz, sometimes, I don’t even know what, but for the most part, POP:)
Give us a little bio about you.
Lisa Goe has penned music for and with some of the biggest names in the industry including Justin Bieber, Ingram Hill, Sonia Leigh, Amy Foster, Haven, Midnight Kids, and Patent Pending to name a few. With a wide range of musical influences, Lisa Goe draws most of her musical inspiration from her own life experiences, questions, and pain. Writing has always been a cathartic experience for her and one where she can unapologetically be herself. I’ve always just been…different. Maybe that’s why I often hear, “We don’t know what to do with you.” Boring is not in my DNA nor my music, and I consider that a blessing. Music has been woven into Lisa Goe’s life from birth. Born in Los Angeles and raised in Santa Barbara, her father was a jazz drummer and union player with Capitol Records. By the age of 4 Lisa was already on stage singing in church choirs and school plays. She later took up piano, but was most intrigued by her mother’s classical nylon string guitar, which Lisa used to compose her first song. Lisa worked tirelessly on her craft with inspiration and guidance from her childhood friend, Katherine Hudson, better known today as Katy Perry. Spending her college years in Chicago, Lisa moved back to LA to pursue music before landing in Nashville, where she resides today. She has played an influential role in Nashville’s pop music scene since 2008, hoping to show that Music City is not all country. Lisa and fellow singer-songwriter Thomas Daniel launched Popoff Nashville in 2016 – a music movement that aims to unite and inspire the pop community in Nashville.
What made you go into music?
At a very young age, I was always interested in music. My dad would have friends over and jam out, so music was just always around. I began singing at a very early age, and was cast in several musicals beginning at age 4. I spent a lot of time writing poetry on top of a bird aviary my father built, that we would move from house to house. He always made sure to put it near a tree I could climb. I spent hours on this bird aviary, jotting down ideas, or recording myself on a tiny tape recorder. I had no idea I was writing music. They were my personal getaway songs about absolute nonsense. Whether it was the birds singing, or my dad drumming, there was never a question in my mind that Music would be something I would be involved in.
Are you signed?
Completely Independent
You released your new single ‘I Got Mine’, tell us more about the single.
The single came about as a creative necessity really. I have loads of unreleased music. LOADS! My issue with putting it out publicly was that some producers didn’t want me to put it out without a bigger name on it, or without an additional fee (which wasn’t discussed until the song was complete) On top of that, if no one was pitching to the larger artists, how would these songs ever be heard? As an independent I only had time to pitch to so many people, and carry my day to day jobs. And if the song wasn’t going out, and I thought to put it out, the production fee was obscene. I was able to talk to a few producer friends overseas, who agreed to write music with me as a team. Rather than ask for loads of money upfront that I didn’t have, we worked with the intention of putting out music, and making sure they would receive compensation on the backend. Why am I sharing this information?! In hopes another Independent artist feels seen and heard. Sadly, there is a lot of great music out there that may never be heard simply because they can’t afford it, or someone doesn’t believe in them. So find a team that believes in you. That’s the moral of the story
What is the meaning behind the single?
I wrote the song after receiving a “Whats Up” type text from an ex. It was a poke. I at this point had already decided I couldn’t and wouldn’t go back… however, the validation it gave me, kept the curious kitten playful. I’m also a complete empath and have an extremely difficult time when people are in denial of their intentions. As we were writing the song it just came out. It was a conversation with myself celebrating the fact that this habit, although perhaps not the best habit, was a vice I kept going back to because I liked how it felt. I just think when you’re honest with yourself you can work forward, rather than stagnant. I call stagnant individuals Swamp People. People who sit in a stagnant state of mind and complacency with concurrent and repeated self drama. I’m not a fan of Swamp People.
I wrote the song after receiving a “Whats Up” type text from an ex. It was a poke. I at this point had already decided I couldn’t and wouldn’t go back… however, the validation it gave me, kept the curious kitten playful. I’m also a complete empath and have an extremely difficult time when people are in denial of their intentions. As we were writing the song it just came out. It was a conversation with myself celebrating the fact that this habit, although perhaps not the best habit, was a vice I kept going back to because I liked how it felt. I just think when you’re honest with yourself you can work forward, rather than stagnant. I call stagnant individuals Swamp People. People who sit in a stagnant state of mind and complacency with concurrent and repeated self drama. I’m not a fan of Swamp People.
Describe the track in two words.
What is the meaning behind the single?
I wrote the song after receiving a “Whats Up” type text from an ex. It was a poke. I at this point had already decided I couldn’t and wouldn’t go back… however, the validation it gave me, kept the curious kitten playful. I’m also a complete empath and have an extremely difficult time when people are in denial of their intentions. As we were writing the song it just came out. It was a conversation with myself celebrating the fact that this habit, although perhaps not the best habit, was a vice I kept going back to because I liked how it felt. I just think when you’re honest with yourself you can work forward, rather than stagnant. I call stagnant individuals Swamp People. People who sit in a stagnant state of mind and complacency with concurrent and repeated self drama. I’m not a fan of Swamp People.
What was the writing process like?
It created itself quickly. My friend Andreas was in Nashville writing with a Swedish Country Singer, Jake Lindholm. He asked if I would come write a few for a project he was working on. We worked on a few during the week, and at the end of the week, decided to get together, have a few pizzas and listen back to the songs to see if they needed anything else. One very burnt oven pizza later, the song was born. Andreas was playing a guitar lick, that you hear in the beginning, and the words literally spewed out of me. It was a great collaboration and the rest is history!
What was the recording process like?
Because Andreas lives in Budapest, we actually took the vocal from the demo. When recording, I like to record with the intention that that’s the last chance I’ll be able to do a vocal take. I know some vocalists need a full day to prep their voices, and honestly it’s probably more safe on the vocal chords that way. I could also record separately and send stems, but I feel there is an energy that is missing sometimes if it’s done separately. Andreas works very quickly. His mind is constantly buzzing with ideas. So while he was tinkering with production, I was tinkering on my keys, writing lyrics and melody’s. By the time we came up for air, it was time to lay down vocals. The whole process was incredibly fluid.
Who did you work with on the single?
I worked with my buddy Andreas Eriksson. He’s a beast.
Will we see a music video for the single?
At the moment, possibly a simple lyric video? I’m open to any artists wanting to collaborate & share their work! I know it’s hard times right now for artists, so I’m open to supporting the community when possible. As an independent artist myself, working multiple jobs while still wanting to express myself through music, I get the struggle.
Will we see an EP or Album and if so what can we expect from it?
At the moment, we’ve got this single, and I am deciding on the next release. I have so much music I’d like to put out, but I need to make sure I have the correct permissions before setting them free! I have some ideas though. Regardless of when the next single comes out, I will definitely be releasing a new side project soon. It’s a collaboration with one of my most favorite people. The music genre, is more…. experimental? Still leans pop, has nods of 80’s commercials, and movie soundtracks, with a splash of cinematics. Melodically it at times leans more jazz, and would definitely intrigue the psychedelic era. I can say without a shadow of a doubt it’s some of my personal favorite work to date, and I can not wait to release it.
Do you have any online shows coming up?
Right now I’ve got one set up for 10/25th Time: TBA
It’s with UnderCover as part of their UnderCover LiveStream Concerts. Also playing with me is an artist, Aradia, who I haven’t ever met which should be fun! I’ll be playing 2 of her songs, she will be playing 2 of mine, and then we will also share 3 originals of our own, sung by ourselves. Aaand! We will be meeting for the first time so if you’re into watching humans awkwardly meet for the first time, and interact, this would be the show for you.
(Instagram) and is supported by A2iM and the Musicians Foundation.
What else can we expect in 2020?
That’s a great question.. What else CAN we expect in 2020?! I, like many of us, literally have no clue. Perhaps more tough learning about the self…. oh and for music, hehe I have a few cuts with some notable artists. The release date has not been confirmed so I really can’t say who yet, but I’m very excited about it. I know personally, I’ll be getting ready to release the side project, another Lisa Goe single, and continue to work my butt off to get these messages out. They are not just songs for me. They are messages. I’d like to get them delivered.
Do you have any collaborations coming up with any upcoming artists?
Yes! And I can’t release them yet, but clues would be a squishy fireside treat, and a tattoo? If anyone gets these clues, I will be very impressed, and I hope you’d be happy about them too.
Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? and who would they have to contact?
Always possible, and really would just depend on the project. Just because someone is good, or you “think” you’d work well together, it doesn’t always come out that way. Honestly I get nervous when people ask to work with me. Cuz the truth is, I may just not vibe, and I want to vibe with everyone. It’s really relational and kind of a sensitive subject, but to answer frankly,
*YES, I’m OPEN to it
*Contact: booking@lisagoe.com
Do you play any instruments?
Yes! I play the guitar and can kind of play the piano. I know enough to get by and create ideas.
Who are your influences?
Musically, I was mostly influenced by my father. He is a drummer and was always playing his drums to jazz music. While most of my friends were listening to The Beach Boys, New Kids On The Block, and Madonna,I was listening to Anita Baker, Basia, and Sade. Loving Jazz music, I began to discover world music, and eventually world house music. Bands like Polo and Pan, & L’Imperatrice, kept me intrigued in discovering new sounds and melodies. I continue to discover new sounds as I’m continuously influenced by Jazz music and its many forms.
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
I just listen to myself. I hear the hard questions I may not want to admit, and I write on that. or sometimes I’ll just feel out a room and find a mood to either dive into or flip.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
With a team behind me and a publishing deal. Maybe playing a festival somewhere. -Or- create my own business that supports the community. Just depends on what our world will look like in 5 years
When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
Read, Go out in Nature, Travel, Eat… these are things I’d LIKE to do while not doing music. Currently I just go to work if I’m not doing music .
What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more into the music scene?
Wild Question, but a great one. It may have been this record I bought for a quarter at a rummage sale. I was 5? My mom let me buy it and we put it on the record player when we got back home. It was Donna Summer “She Works Hard for The Money” . I loved that record so much. Donna Summer just felt like such a tangible person, and I wanted to meet her, so what better way than to be a singer like her.. .that’s what my little young minds logic was.
What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
Sometimes the part wasn’t meant for you, It was meant for somebody else.
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians not about the industry and just as an artist?
I think what you’re asking is what advice would I give to aspiring musicians as artists but not as industry? or artists wanting to stay independent of the regular industry? Either way, I would say to those individuals wanting to do this independently , is hard work. but it’s worth the harvest.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
I’d rather be an innovator than an imitator.
Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
If you’re in
Santa Barbara : Lotus Land & The Funk Zone
Nashville: Cheekwood & Wedgewood Houston Art Crawl.
Your coming off tour.
1/ Where do you go first?
Santa Barbara/ LA : My Parents/ Hotel Cafe
Nashville: Never Never Bar or Red Door (East or MId )
2/ Who do you see first?
SB/ LA: My Grandparents
Nash: My 3 dude roommates
3/What do you eat first?
SB/LA: Sushi or Pizza
Nash: Whatever my 3 dude roommates have conjured up
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My thieves oil, Phone, keys, wallet, mask…seriously
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?