What is your names?
My name is Beren Olivia
Give us a little bio about you.
Music has always played a huge role in my life. There is always a speaker playing somewhere in the house and there is always someone singing. I was raised on artists like P!nk, Christina Aguilera and Avril Lavigne who are iconic powerhouse women and they inspired me every day. But I never really believed in myself as a singer until the movie Camp Rock came out with Demi Lovato. I looked up to Demi so much as a child, I even cut my hair in bangs to match hers. (even though it didn’t suit me). I taught myself guitar when I was 13 and the writing came naturally. hidd
What made you go into music?
Initially it was acting that I wanted to pursue as a career. I attended a musical theatre school called Emil Dale School of Performing Arts (EDSA) in Hertfordshire. When I landed the role of Fantine, Les Miserable, I had to sing as part of the audition. This is when people started seeing me as someone who could actually sing, rather than someone who just sings for fun on the side.
Are you a signed?
I’m currently not signed, but I’m working really hard to meet as many people as possible and work with as many other musicians, writers and producers as I can to keep developing my sound and move forwards. I’m loving the experience so far and I’m excited for what could happen next!
You released your new single ‘Black Magic’, tell us more about the single.
Black Magic was my first single, which I released in January. I wrote it whilst I was in LA and the first time I listened to the rough demo I was driving along the coast from Malibu with my mum and I knew I loved it and wanted to release it. I had a smile on my face the whole time…
What is the meaning behind ‘Black Magic’?
Black Magic was inspired by the song ‘I put a spell on you’ by Nina Simone. After I watched her documentary, I downloaded a whole bunch of her music. She really inspired my lyrically. Black Magic came from the idea that a girl has cast a spell on a boy to make him fall in love with her. lo
Describe the track in two words.
A BANGER (lol)
What was the writing process like?
I wrote this song on my first trip to LA. Super casual. I went to a friends
house, there were 4 of us, and we wrote the song in the living room on their couch. They have a cool little set up where you can record vocals too so
that’s also where we recorded the demo.
What was the recording process like?
I was back in London by the time I decided Black Magic was going to be my debut single. So I went to me fave studio, Octagon, in Brixton, and re cut the vocals, sent the files back to LA and it was finished it off!
Who did you work with on the Single?
This song was written by myself and Brooke Williams and produced by Scott Robinson and Steve Tippeconnic
Will we see an EP or Album this year?
I’m working on releasing lots of new music this year so keep an eye out!
Do you have any shows coming up?
I recently supported the band New Rules at their sold out show at the O2 Academy Islington. There’s lots of exciting things coming up in the future that I can’t wait to announce when the time is right!
What else can we expect in Early 2020?
I have my second single Falling Up coming out this Friday, 13th March which I’m super excited for! It’s a fun, upbeat song that is about falling in love. It’s a feel good song
Do you have any collaborations coming up with any up coming artists?
I do have some collaborations coming up…and that’s all anyone needs to know right now haha
Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? and who would they have to contact?
I am completely open to collabing with any artist. That’s the amazing thing about music and creating. There are absolutely no rules or boundaries. Just sit down and write/sing and lets see what happens! You can get in touch with me through my website or through any of my social media handles.
Do you play any instruments?
I play a bit guitar. I taught myself when I was about 13 just so I could write and support myself singing when I got the odd pub/café gig.
Who are your influences?
My biggest modern-day influences are Halsey, Post Malone, Social House and Anne Marie
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
Inspiration comes from everywhere. Mostly is from my personal experiences or experiences that people close to me have gone through or are still going through. But also movies and TV programmes. I get a LOT of inspiration from the show Greys Anatomy. Its so dramatic and intense, I love it. The relationships between the characters give me lots to write about.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
In 5 years…I see myself not too differently to how I am now. Just hopefully a bit wiser, more experienced and more secure with who I am as a human being and as an artist
When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
When I’m not doing music I’m out with my dogs. We have 6 rescues and I love spending time with them. They make me so happy. One of them, Rosie, my parents got for me a few years ago. She is my everything and comes to sessions and meetings with me in London. But when I’m not doing music stuff, I’m out with her taking photos. (she’s the biggest poser). Her Instagram is @itsyogirlrosie (I take it very seriously) ls
What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more into the music scene?
Picking one song is so difficult but I can pick an album for sure. P!nk’s 2001 album ‘Missundaztood’ was my thing growing up. It was CONSTANTLY playing in the car, in the house or in my headphones. And if I couldn’t play it, I was singing it
What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
The best advice I’ve ever been given is to not waste your energy chasing people or seeking approval. Work hard on yourself and on your craft and people will start to pay attention regardless.
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians not about the industry and just as an artist?
I still have a lot to learn as an artist, but I think the most important thing that I have learned so far is to just believe in your music and believe in what you’re creating. Music taste is an opinion and that’s all it is.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
It’s not really a quote but it’s still my favourite – “Hakuna Matata” …what a wonderful phrase haha
Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
If you’ve never been before I highly recommend the London Dungeons. I love scary stuff. I’ve been so many times and I’ve taken almost everyone I know.
Your coming off tour;
I finish tour which means I’ve been away from my family so…
1/ Where do you go first? I go home
2/ Who do you see first? See my dogs and family (in that order)
3/What do you eat first? And we eat at Wagamama’s (my favourite in the entire world)
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
I cannot forget my:
1. Water
2. Honey sweets
3. Good luck trinket my nana gave me
4. Warm up exercise speaker
5. (and I try not to forget my lyrics)
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
You can keep up with all my shenanigans here:
Tik Tok @berenolivia