What is your name?
Ann Christine 🙂
What is your genre of music?
Electro-pop with a touch of savage.
Give us a little bio about you
Long story summarized: Grew up in the environment with a father who was a music producer and touring musician. Felt the passion from a very young age, but was never really pushed into music and found it intimidating to claim my way in (I was a shy child). Overcame my fears at the age of 16, when I was living in Chile for a year; picked up the guitar and started covering other artists (first one was John Mayers “Your Body Is A Wonderland”). Came back to Denmark and started playing music with my father. At the age of 19 I had my first heartbreak and wrote my first song ever, called “Drawn”. I produced and released it with my father; the song got on radio and brought me to the finals of a Danish talent show. Everything started happening after hereafter – releasing more music, getting into co-writing and now launching my second artist project.
What made you go into music?
I always felt the calling. But a guitar in a small village of The Andes, surrounded by cowboys and quechua, motivated me to start playing music. A bad heartbreak a few years later got me into writing my own songs.
What made you go into music?
I always felt the calling. But a guitar in a small village of The Andes, surrounded by cowboys and quechua, motivated me to start playing music. A bad heartbreak a few years later got me into writing my own songs.
You released your single ‘Hocus Pocus’, tell us more about the single.
‘Hocus Pocus’ is an unromantic love song inspired by youth and life in a bigger city. We had a great time making it!
What is the meaning behind the single?
I guess the message comes out pretty clear in the lyrics, but the song is essentially about seduction and selfish love affairs. About the romances that are just for the thrill of it – and the struggle of opening up to more committing emotions of love.
What was the writing process like?
Writing ‘Hocus Pocus’ was a thrill. It was great fun and at the same time quite deep. We used some phrases from the real life stories and elaborated on it. The guy I wrote it with and I were on a really good vibe with it, so both writing, top lining and production went extremely fast.
What was the recording process like?
Good, as well. We went to Medley Studios in Copenhagen, where my dad is working on his music, and recorded it the three of us.
Who did you work with on the single?
I wrote and produced ‘Hocus Pocus’ in Berlin together with producer and artist, Dillistone, whom I had just gotten to know a few months earlier at a writing camp. The final recordings where done in collaboration with my father in Copenhagen. My good friend and producer, CYMO, with whom I’m currently working closely together with, later helped me finalize and add some spice to the production. Mix and mastering was then done by engineer Benny Hermann. However, the list of amazing people who’ve been part of this single is long; from my video team to styling and costume design – and not to forget: The pretty faces who got me hooked on the topic.
Will we see a music video for the track?
For sure. You can see it here.
Will we see an EP or album and if so what can we expect?
You can expect great things coming your way in 2020!
Do you have any shows coming up?
Nothing official yet, but definitely: Stay tuned.
What else can we expect in 2019/Early 2020?
Much more music – and exciting collaborations, too.
Do you have any collaborations coming up with any upcoming artists?
Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? and who would they have to contact?
I’m always open to collabs! So just reach out 🙂
Do you play any instruments?
I hustle my way around guitars and pianos for song writing. But my voice is my instrument.
Who are your influences?
I have a very broad taste of music – both across genres and time. I think it would be sad to settle on only a few names to answer this question.
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
I usually just try to engage in life and surround myself with good people.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
Happy and hopefully sharing my love for music in a way that a million strangers can reflect themselves in – and make it soundtracks to times of their lives.
When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
A lot of sports. A lot of being with friends. A lot of partying. A lot of living, I guess.
What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more in to the music scene?
Haha, well, I don’t think there’s one song that made me go into music. But my godmother, Annione, is a Danish artist who definitely influenced me a lot while growing up. Her album X was pretty much the soundtrack to my very early years of life. 18 years later we collaborated on my first EP “Figure” (for my first artist project, Ann See).
What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
A very dear friend of mine once told me to be better at treating myself the way I would treat a friend or someone I love. I’ve passed that advice on ever since.
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians not about the industry and just as an artist?
Stay true to yourself. And as Nike said: just do it! But give your all.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
“I’d rather regret what I did than what I didn’t do,” is a sentence that quite reflects my life. But I generally don’t really waste much time on regretting – it’s too late anyway and worrying is not very constructive.
Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
Jump in a car and hit the West Coast of Jutland within 30 minutes. It’s the most precious wilderness my land has to offer and is a complete rinse of mind and soul.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Yes, please feel free to connect: