What is your name?
Toria Wooff
What is your genre of music?
Folk Rock
Give us a little bio about you.
“A painter, poet, songwriter and storyteller, Lancashire’s Toria Wooff stands in the crossfires of gothic literature and pained Americana. Telling tales of love and malevolence, her delicate guitar and haunting vocals shine amongst a storytelling far beyond her years.”
What made you go in to music?
I grew up surrounded by music. My dad is a guitarist and there was always Supertramp or Blue Oyster Cult playing somewhere in the house. Karaoke machines on Christmas day and Atomic Kitten with my two big sisters as a backing singers probably sewed the seed.
Are you signed?
I’m lucky to be signed to a wonderful, ethical, indie label; Sloe Flower Records.
What is the meaning behind the single?
The song is about quitting what I’d always thought was my dream job. It’s about being in love with the idea of something and then when that ‘dream’ is finally materialised into something physical it doesn’t live up to the expectations you had. In my case it was wanting to be a painter, and deciding to let that dream go. ‘Collision Course’ is essentially the ramblings of a young girl coming to terms with the fact that not everything is as rosy as it seems.
Describe the track in two words.
Turmoil & Acceptance.
What was the writing process like?
I wrote this song when I was 18 in bouts over a year. It’s a rarity that I will write a song in one, I tend to write ideas and come back to them months or even years later.
What was the recording process like?
The biggest development was meeting producer James Wyatt via Tinder! I had the songs under my belt quite a while and so was very precious about them. James did a quick demo with me one vening and I fell in love with it. He understood my ramblings about colours and feelings and managed to get all my crazy thoughts into some kind of form, we have been working together ever since.
Who did you work with on the single?
James Wyatt
We are also set to see an EP, tell us about it and the naming process.
I named the EP ‘Badlands’ from a pot of paint which was exactly the right shade of brown that I felt was aligned with the songs.
What was the recording process like?
The biggest development was meeting producer James Wyatt via Tinder! I had the songs under my belt quite a while and so was very precious about them. James did a quick demo with me one evening and I fell in love with it. He understood my ramblings about colours and feelings and managed to get all my crazy thoughts into some kind of form, we have been working together ever since.
What was the writing process like?
The writing technique for each song is quite different. From ‘Smoke’ being one of the first songs I had ever written as a bushy-tailed 17-y-old to ‘For Liam (Souhja)’ being written in 1 hour whilst sat in tears on the floor at University waiting for a rehearsal, practically DYING of heartbreak.
Describe each track in two words.
Cases – Burnt Orange
Collision Course – Turmoil/Acceptance
For Liam (Souhja) – Dusty/Subdued
Smoke – Amber/Leaf
Do you have any shows coming up?
If so where will you be heading?
22nd Nov Manchester Whiskey Jar
What else can we expect in 2019?
Autumn UK & Ireland Tour (Dates TBC)
Do you have any collaborations coming up with any upcoming artists?
I’ve been lucky enough to sing backing vocals for the likes of James Holt and David Gorman, both fantastic singer-songwriters.
Would you be up for collaborations if other musicians wanted one with you? And who would they have to contact?
I am always up for collaborations; I absolutely adore making music and writing. Send me a message on my socials
Do you play any instruments?
Who are your influences?
Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Iron Maiden, Sandy Denny, Fionn Regan, Dave Van Ronk
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
My songs arrive at my fingers and in my throat not necessarily carelessly but without any order or planning, I never think “oh I’m going to write a song about this with these chords today”, they just come when they come. I’m really into gothic literature, I have endless notes of certain words or phrases I think are beautiful.
Where do you see yourself now in 5 years?
Collaborating with Robert Plant. Dream BIG.
When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
I absolutely love to paint. I wanted to be a painter way before I even knew you could BE a musician. I also love to read/watch Stephen King and nap.
What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more in to the music scene?
‘Homeward Bound’ – Simon and Garfunkel or ‘The Horses Are Asleep’ – Fionn Regan
Whats the best advice you’ve ever been given?
To swallow my pride and ask for help if I need it. You don’t get help if you don’t ask and sometimes things are just really hard to do on your own and that is OK.
What advice would you give to an aspiring musician not about the industry and just as an artist?
I think self-doubt is part of being an artist but I would tell them to never think they’re not ‘artist’ enough to write the things they want to write. Write that huge string section, write about the moon and the sea. Mozart never stopped and thought ‘Oh God, is this cringe?’
What quote or saying you always stick by? Davey Cameron is a pie
Where in your hometown is a must go to visit?
The beautiful Rivington Moors. (And the Wednesday night pub quiz at The Crown… Obviously.)
You’re coming off tour
a)Where do you go first? Horwich, Bolton- City of dreams
b) Who do you see first? James Wyatt
c) What do you eat first? Cinnamon Whirl, big time.
When you’re at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
Tuner, Capo, Guitar (I have almost forgotten before), CDs, some form of make up to hide the copies amount of nervous sweating I’ll probably do.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
I am under Toria Wooffon .