Hey Boys, How have you been since we last spoke?
CLIFF- We are amazing, thanks for having us back
AARON- We’ve been busy recording our new single Wazzup Girl
Tell us five facts about you as individuals and a band for those new to your music.
DAVID- I’m scared of spiders!
JAY- Me too if I see one in the room, i’m out of there!
CLIFF- I can tell you a fact about Aaron; he can literally fall asleep anywhere (checks to see if he’s still awake)
AARON- (Laughs) ….and here’s a fact about Cliff, he takes the longest to get ready. Must be all that hair. He needs a bottle of hairspray a day!
ADAM- I love curry! (changing subject)
What is your genre of music?
ADAM- Essentially it’s pop but we have a flavour of RnB in there too.
DAVID- We all have different tones and ranges so we like to think we are quite unique as a boy group in that sense.
Are you a signed?
CLIFF- We work with a producer in Paris and are mentored by some really cool people in the industry
JAY- We are waiting on you Mr Cowell (laughs)
AARON- We also work with a production company and start our official school tour this winter for 6 months
Your set to release your new single this month, ‘Wazzup Girl’ , tell us more about it.
AARON- Wazzup girl is our second single and it’s a very up beat, rnb-esque type track. It’s still very much pop orientated, but we like to do things a little differently to what everyone else is doing at the minute. I
CLIFF- The track was written in Sweden and recorded in London, it’s been around (Laughs)
What was the recording process like?
DAVID- Recording is always great fun, apart from performing, it’s one of the best things about doing music
ADAM- There’s always plenty of tea during a recording session!
CLIFF- During most sessions Adam!
AARON- We love our tea (Drinks tea)
What are you most looking forward to on the release day?
JAY- Sharing it with the fans. They’ve been very supportive so it’s always great to give them something to look forward to.
DAVID- I always get excited on the day our single is released. I’m such a fan girl (Laughing)
Will we be seeing an EP or album? If so can you tell us more about that?
ADAM- We are writing a lot of new material at the minute, so an EP is definitely on the cards for 2018.
Do you have any gigs coming up?
CLIFF- We are going on our first set of school tours in a few weeks. We are very excited.
JAY- We are starting in London then moving our way up North and around the UK.
AARON- We will be performing a few gigs in between too and there’s more exclusive stuff coming through, you will just have to wait for (Winks).
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians about the industry and  as an artist?
ADAM- Stay hungry. Don’t stop doing what you are doing, it’s a very tough industry to break so you’ve got to be very persistent with it.
CLIFF- Find your style and try to be unique or different, but stay true to yourself and most importantly enjoy what you do and have fun with it.
JAY- Be ready for a lot of “No’s” and knock backs. You will get where you want to be eventually. Timing is critical.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
DAVID- You can follow us on twitter and instagram  and our youtube and facebook .

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