


What are your names?
JM: Jordan McGraw
DL: Drew Langan



Describe each other in two words.
JM: Gop chop.
DL: Lead singer



What is your genre of music?
JM: Fun!
DL: Pop

Give us a little background about you all as a band and as individuals.
JM: Drew and I met one rehearsal before a tour with a band we both got added to last minute. We got along immediately despite his haircut and have been in bands together ever since. Once our last band really started to take a turn towards bummertown, we looked at each other and said “this sucks!!!!” So we decided to start a band that was all ours and every bit of what we had always wanted to sound like.
DL: That pretty much sums it up. That haircut was the shit though.



Your Single ‘Miss California’ is released, tell us more about the inspiration behind the song.
JM: We drew states out of a hat… good thing we got California since we live here.
DL: Favorite state in the union!
Lyric Video;


What was the writing process like?
JM: We wrote it with our good friend Mike Green. Miss California was one of the first we did with him for this band and it really set our pace. We also did our previous single Vibe with Mike and have done 4 of the songs on the new EP with him.

What was the recording process like?
JM: Drew and I live together and have a studio in our house so our recording process is always very relaxed and at our own pace. Being able to take our time and redo anything at anytime really gives us the ability to let songs evolve and grow as the rest of the album does. I think we rewrote the pre-chorus to Miss California 3 times and the post-chorus a few as well. Had to get it feeling right!

Will we see an EP or Album this year?
JM: We are just putting the finishing touches on an EP now. I can’t wait to get it out there!
DL: Super stoked to put this out. Can’t wait to show everyone what we’ve been up to!



If so what can we expect?
JM: This is the first batch of songs that I think we got just right. We’ve always had the blueprint for what we wanted to sound like and all of our other songs served as kind of a foundation. This is the house we were trying to build.



Do you have any gigs or a tour coming up?
JM: October 14th at the Peppermint Club in Los Angeles! Be there!
DL: I’m giving out free massages afterward. You won’t want to miss that.

What made you go in to music?
JM: I moved to LA the summer before 10th grade so I had no friends and a lot of time. There’s only so much porn you can look at before chaffing becomes a real problem… So I bought a guitar.
DL: My elementary school forced me to choose between band and chorus so I chose band. My older brother was always in band so I wanted to be cool like him.

Do you play any instruments?
JM: No. Everything we do is taken directly from our imaginations and fed into the artificial brains of robots who interpret our ideas and decide what “instruments” would work best. Oh and piano and guitar.
DL: No, I play drums.
Who are your influences?
JM: Everything from Tina Turner to Blink-182 and David Foster to Daft Punk.
DL: Slipknot was the first thing I ever heard that REALLY rocked my world. But it ranges from that to Mariah Carey.

How do you get inspiration to write songs?
JM: I take off all my clothes, lather myself up, get really steamy, and start making noises. I write in the shower a lot.
DL: I watch Jordan shower.

Where do you see yourself now in 5 Years?
JM: Well I’m answering these questions in bed at 9:45 in the morning getting ready to start working on our new live show so… If we’re being specific then I’d hope I’ll be in bed somewhere getting ready to play a newer live show.
DL: Total world domination!



When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
JM: More music, cook, play with my critters. I have a French Bulldog named Pigg and a hairless cat named Zero.
DL: We love food. I’m reluctant to use the term “foodie” but I love the quest for a new delicious restaurant.

Where would your dream venue to play in your hometown?
JM: The Hollywood Bowl.
DL: 6 nights at Staples Center

If you could collaborate with one UK/Europe Artist or Band who would it be?
JM: I’m going to cheat and use a Belgian artist called Stromae. He is the most creative person I’ve ever come across.
DL: I’d love to get in a room with Calvin Harris. Especially after hearing Feels and Slide.

If you could collaborate with one US Artist or Band who would it be?
JM: Pharrell. He just adds such a unique style to the music he makes. I think he’s an alien though…
DL: It would be awesome to have a really cool feature like Quavo or Travis Scott.


What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more in to the music scene?
JM: Tag Team – Whoomp! There it is.
DL: It was a song called “I Spent Way Too Much Money On Music School So I Figured I Should Probably Make It Worth It”



What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
JM: Always be the worst musician in your band. Meaning that you should always surround yourself with people that make you work harder than they have to.
DL: “Enjoy life, and if something doesn’t go the way you want it to, remember that everything happens for a reason.”

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
JM: It isn’t easy. If you’re expecting it to be then quit. Even “overnight success” stories took years to develop. Allow yourself the time it takes to figure out who you are as a musician.
DL: Master your instrument. Put in the hours. It will take a long time but it will be so worth it. Find a way to make practice not feel like work. Just play what you feel like playing while also paying attention to improving technique and creativity. It has to be fun or else you may not stick with it.



What quote or saying do you always stick by?
JM: We’re all mad here.
DL: “This too shall pass.” It’s SO cliché, I know, but I have it tattooed on me so I have to own it. It’s true though… good or bad, all things will pass. If it’s good, enjoy it while you have it. If it’s bad, you’ll get through it.



When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
JM: Water, tequila, clean socks, setlist, and a microphone usually helps.
DL: Drum sticks, kick pedal, Jack Daniel’s, water, set list.

When you get home from tour,
1. Where is the first place you go?
JM: The couch
DL: Yea, same. Couch for sure.



2. Who is the first person you see?
JM: Usually Drew. We live together so it never ends.
DL: I don’t know if they’re technically first, but I’ll go see my family. We’ll probably go have some margaritas and I’m sure they’ll want to hear all about the tour.



3. What is the first thing you eat?
JM: I cook. That’s one of my favorite things to do and it’s just not easy on the road.
DL: A burger from Stout. Best burger in LA!
JM: No it isn’t.



Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
JM: The usual! Instagram, twitter, Facebook… follow us but talk to us as well! We love choppin’ it up with fans and friends.
DL: Of course! Somebody please teach me how to use Snapchat.

All can be found on our Website

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