Jacob Appleton is a artist showing us that music can be just as good without vocals throughout and with the beats in this great new album 100% proves it and makes you instantly relaxed when you listen too it
Seed Vol l starts off as the prelude and sets a atmospheric feel to how the rest of the album is going to be.
Another of the tracks is the title of the Album ‘Feather’ more higher than Seed Vol 1 at the start but straight away allows you to know there is a story in the song and vocals that come through really make you want to understand and feel the emotion and it does that brilliantly.
Seed Vol.ll ends the Album on a complete, telling us story in a way that just instantly makes you relax and in a calm mood.
The professionalism is outstanding and just makes you wonder what is coming next!
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BREATHE Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/officialbreathe?profile_view_source=profile_box