What are your full names?
Pat Dam Smyth- guitar , vox
Chris McComish – drums and b/vox
Tim Abbey – bass.

Where did the band’s name come from?
It’s abbreviation of my name.
Patrick Damoglou Smyth

Give us a Bio about the and and you guys as individuals?
I’ve been a solo artist since I released my debut The Great Divide in 2010.
I move to London in 2012 met Chris McComish and have been collaborating
with him since then and then Tim joined us last year and we played our
first trio show at Reepbahn Festival in Hamburg. We wrote this album
in the rehearsal room last summer. And have just finished recording it.

What is your genre of music?
Dark Country

How long have you been doing music?
Since I was 12

What made you go in to music?
Chuck Berry.

Are you a signed ?

What instruments do you play?
Guitar and Piano

Who are your influences?
Velvet Underground. Surf.

Tell Us more about your track ‘Friends’.
It was only single off my debut the Great Divide. The video was shot
in my flat when I lived in Belfast. I wore a full suit in the shower.
Weird experience.

What reaction have you received?
The first album recieved great reviews. Which I am still blown away

Tell us more about your new album?
The new album is nearly finished. We started a Pledge campaign to
fund it. The campaign was a success and we won a help musicians
emerging artist fund. So the album has been a total joy to work on as
we had the liberty to record where we wanted. Which was in a
residential studio In Ireland. It was an intense experience and I
believe you can tell that from the recording.
Me and The band were lucky enough to work with engineer Dougal Lott
who set it up the studio so we was a band could work into the night.
It’s not a happy album. More reflective. Looking at Youth and all
the stories that come with it.
I wrote it with Chris McComish who I have been playing and writing with for 3 years now. It’s bring mixed by
Dougal Lott at Masterchord studios in London.

Will you be touring?
Yes putting all the pieces together as we speak.

If you are, where will you be heading?
Germany , Italy and America.

Your are playing ‘Cornbury Festival’ , how did that come about?
My Friends Sacha Taylor-Cox got me the show. I can’t wait.

Will we hear new material at Cornbury Festival?
Yes It will be all new material from the new album. I will be playing
solo so it will be different from the big sound that is on the album.

Who are you most excited to see are Cornbury Festival?
The Zombies. Oddessy and the Oracle is an amazing album.

You also have a pledge campaign, tell us more about that.
It’s a really interesting concept and it’s nerve racking at times.
But we made it and it’s helped us make an album that we are all really
proud of. And you can still pre-order album through pledge. Fans
funding musicians is an amazing feeling and it pushes the artist to
make the best use of the money raised. And also gives a deadline.

How do you get inspiration to write songs?
I don’t know. Perhaps a memory or something I’ve seen or read.

Where do you see yourself in 2-5 Years?
3 more Albums
Touring uk. Europe and America
And some collaborations.
Head down and get to work.

When you’re  not doing music, what do you do?
It’s pretty much music all the time.

If you could collaborate with one UK Artist who would it be?
Anna Calvi

If you could collaborate with one USA Artist who would it be?
Julian Casablancas
Krist Novoselic

Where is your dream venue or festival to perform in UK?
As long as the crowd are there , the sound is good we are happy
Hopefully headling Cornbury

Where is your dream venue or festival to perform in USA?
We are looking forward to playing Texas
I lived in La. Want to play solver lake hotel if it’s still there.

What was the song you listened to most that influenced you to go more in to the music scene?
Chuck Berry wanted me to make music.
Nirvana made me do it.
What was the first song you wrote?
A love song for a girl whose eyes were brown but I changed them to

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
Don’t Give Up

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
Don’t Give Up

What quote or saying do you always stick by?
I’m going down with my boots on

When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you can never forget?
Xtra tee-shirt

Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?

Twitter / patdamsmyth

Instagram / patdamsmyth

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