What is your full name?
Lisa Ronson
How old are you?
What is your genre of music?
Post Synthetic – a fusion of guitars with anachronistic synthesiser sounds and drum machines. Set to dystopian/futurist lyrics.
Give us a little Bio of the you.
Lisa was born and brought up in the US, living in Woodstock, New York, and later in New York City itself. She relocated to London in 2012.
Fresh back from the recent Holy Holy tour where she performed guest vocals as part of the Bowie associated super group with her father’s fellow Spiders From Mars band mate Woody Woodmansey and producer Tony Visconti, Lisa is no stranger to the stage and recording process. Her own former group ‘The Secret History’, a New York based indie art/ pop group, gained success and achieved widespread critical acclaim throughout the US and garnered a cult following in the UK.
How long have you been doing music?
Since my 20s
What made you go in to music?
My love of music and wanting to express myself
Are you a signed?
Yes – to Maniac Squat Records, a small label based near London
What instruments do you play?
Vocals, percussion and a bit of keyboards
Who are your influences?
New Order, Depeche Mode, The Human League, T-Rex, Wu Tang Clan, The Cure, The Beach Boys, My Favourite, Beach House, Future Islands, David Lynch
When will your new material be out?
My new album ‘Emperors of Medieval Japan’ will be out on 6 November.
Will you be doing any gigs?
I’ve just finished a UK tour supporting Reeves Gabrels & His Imaginary Friends. I will confirm more gigs in 2016.
Where did the inspiration behind the new album?
I wanted to make a dark, dystopian, album with existentialist and sci-fi themes; exploring the bleaker parts of consciousness. I also wanted to make something that was evocative and provoked questions.
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
I dream a lot – for this album I read a few sci-fi novels. My experiences, particularly the difficult ones. It’s important to me the intention in lyrics is poetic.
Where do you see yourself in 2-5 Years?
Making and performing music that connects with people and provokes feelings and questions.
When you’re not doing music, what do you do?
I like to go out; London is such a vibrant and exciting city. I read, watch films.
If you could collaborate with one UK Artist who would it be?
There are too many to choose from. Maybe Robert Smith from the Cure. Maybe Joe Elliott from Def Leppard.
If you could collaborate with one US Artist who would it be?
I think Kristeen Young and I could make something sound good.
Where is your dream venue or festival to perform in UK?
I performed at Latitude a couple of years ago and the Isle of Wight this year, both of which were great. I’d love to do Glastonbury, that would be special.
What was the first song you wrote?
Oh gosh I can’t remember. My best friend and I started making up songs when we were six!
What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
Give up
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
Be yourself, unless you have no imagination, in which case be someone else who is interesting.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.
When you are at a gig, what are 5 things you cannot forget?
My iPad, eye-liner, my co-writer, producer, guitarist Paul Cuddeford, a dress and a double vodka and soda (please).
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Twitter: @lisaronsonmusic
Facebook: /lisaronsonmusic