What is the name of your band?
Jess and the Bandits
What is your name as individuals as well?
Jessica Clemmons (vocals),
Louis Riccardi (guitar),
Ricci Riccardi (drums/percussion),
Dave Troke
and Steve Williams (keys)
How old are you?
We are all in our early 30s.
What is your genre of music?
Contemporary Country
Give us a little Bio of you:
After meeting on The Overtones tour,Jessica Clemmons asked Louis, Ricci, Dave and Steve to join her on the
road to support Boyzone on their BZ20 Tour. With the line-up receiving
a rapturous response each night of the tour, they decided to make it a
full-time and arrangement. Thus Jess and the Bandits was born. A year
later and we are due to release our debut album ‘Here We Go Again’ on
March 30.
How long have you been doing music?
As a band we’ve been playing together for two years but individually we’ve all been playing and
pursuing music since we were children.
What made you go in to music?
A natural love for it. To be able to make a living from something you love doing and are gifted with is the
ultimate goal. We are lucky to be able to do just that.
Where did you get the band name from?
There were tons of ideas being throw around between us and our management but when Jess and the
Bandits came out, we knew that was ‘the one’.
Are you a signed Band?
We are not, completely independent.
What other instruments do you play?
Between all of us we play the guitar, bass, percussion, keys and most of us can play several or all
of those.
How did the band come about?
The guys were playing for a group called The Overtones and Jess was on the opening act. We instantly bonded and
started performing together after the tour was over. It only made
sense that the next step was to properly form a band.
Who are your influences?
We as individuals have so many from Johnny Cash all the way to Aretha Franklin. I think at the end of the day we
all love music and great songs, you can find that in any genre.
When will your new material be out?
The new single ‘You Can’t Stop Me’ is out now and the album ‘Here We Go Again’ is released on March 30th.
How do you get inspiration to write songs?
Usually it’s personal experiences but sometimes it can be seeing what other people are going
through. You can be sitting in a park or a coffee shop watching people
or an event happen and inspiration can hit you.
Where do you see the band in 2-5 Years?
Hopefully playing all over Europe and the surrounding areas as well as breaking in the US. We
have lots of goals!
If you weren’t doing music what would you be doing?
That’s a tough question because music is a part of who we are. I don’t think any of
us can imagine a world where we aren’t at least doing something with
music. That could mean teaching it, or even presenting it.
When your not doing music,what do you do?
Relax! We are all so busy that when we get those days off, especially during a tour schedule it
usually involves sleeping and catching up with people who we don’t get
to see enough.
If you could collaborate with one UK Artist or band who would it be?
Probably Joshua O’Keefe, that would be a fun collaboration.
If you could collaborate with one USA Artist or band who would it be?
Sam Hunt or Keith Urban would be incredible. Hard to choose just 1!
Where is your dream venue or festival to perform in UK?
Glastonbury on the main stage would be pretty epic.
Where is your dream venue or festival to perform in USA?
It would have to be to perform at the Grammy’s or the Country Music Awards. That
would be incredible.
What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
To never give up.That as soon as you do, that’s typically when all of the great things
would have started happening. Persistence is the key to success in
anything you do.
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
To get a great team behind you. From musicians to management. If you have people that
believe in what you are doing, the sky is the limit.
What quote or saying do you always stick by?
Follow your gut. If it
doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t. You can save yourself a
lot of trouble if you follow your instincts.
Do you have social media accounts so your fans can follow you?
Of course!
Twitter- @jessthebandits
Facebook – @JessandtheBandits
YouTube – www.youtube.com/jessandthebandits
Website – www.jessandthebandits.com